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Files posted by eskie01

  1. 1971 Kansas City Royals Player Sound Bytes

    Here are the 1971 Kansas City Royals Player Sound Bytes which includes all 25 players (all of Kuiper's ... c & d's and a few Krukow's..a's) on the end of season roster for 1971.  To install...use eaGraph and place the a, c, & d dat files in the data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat file and the a, c, & d hex files into the data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr file.  If you have any questions with anything with this, drop me a note and I'll help you with it.
    Enjoy the "goodies"!


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  2. 1971 White Sox Player Sound Bytes

    Here is the 1971 White Sox player sound bytes.  You can use eagraph to place the dat files into the data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat file and place the hexes into the data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr file.
    If you have any problems, please drop me a note and I'll try to help you.
    Thank you,


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  3. 1971 Red Sox Player Sound Bytes

    Here are the 1971 Boston Red Sox player sound bytes for their end of season 25-man roster.
    All you need to do is to use eagraph and place the a,c, &d data files into the data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat file and place the hexes into the data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr file.
    If you come up with any problems, drop me a note and I'll be more than glad to help you!
    Enjoy the goodies!


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  4. 1971 Brewers Player Sound Bytes

    Here are the 1971 Brewers player sound bytes.  I only got done a few of the a's and no pa's yet.  Boy, Theobald was really hard to do but because my wife gave me some radio games for Christmas, here Theobald played on one of the games with the Brewers along with some of my media guides and baseball registers that I accumulated for a few years.  I got some of my tools together when I thought that I'd tinker with the NHL 2009 and try to create the 1974-75 season since I like Bobby Orr and Phil Esposito.  I kinda gave up that for now.
    Anyhow, place all of the dat files into data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat and the hexes into data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr files with eagraph or if you have an easier way then use that.  I hope to get the Indians names up either later today or tomorrow depending on how I feel...Lord willin'.  I get so tired without doing much these days.  After I put those in yesterday, I folded some towels that my wifey had done and I had to lay down for a good while and I didn't eat much lunch.
    Well, we'll see...and enjoy the goodies and drop me a line if you need help.


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  5. 1971 A's Player Audio Bytes

    Here are my versions of the 1971 A's player sound bytes.  Some of these were terrible to do too like Mangual, they are the best that I can do.  I never went to school to do this stuff so I'm no pro at it like I said yesterday.
    I use the eagraph tool to install them like this:
    the a, c, and d data files into the data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat file and their hexes into data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr file.
    the pa dats into data/audio/cd/spch_pa/pnamedat file and their hexes into data/audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr file.
    I know that I don't seem to explain things too good but if you need some help, drop me a note and I'll try my best to help you with whatever you need help with.
    Enjoy the goodies,


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  6. 1971 California Angels Player Audio Bytes

    Here are the California Angels 25-man roster player audio bytes.  There's quite a few tricky ones to do on this team like McMullen, Fregosi, and Messersmith.  I ain't no pro at this but I give it my best shot that I have.
    Just put these dat files into the data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat file and the hexes into the data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr file, and I use eagraph to install each kind.  If you have any boo-boos, just shoot me a note over and I'll try my best to help you over the humps.
    Thank you,


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  7. 1971 Baltimore Orioles Updated Audios

    I noticed that when I installed the 1971 MVP Season that some of the player audios were pronounced incorrectly so I decided to try to improve upon them myself.  The 1971 season was one of my favorites.  I appreciate the one who originated this season and got the ball rolling.  Here are all 25 of the Orioles players with all the "c" and "d" ones and a few of the "a's" and "pa's" thrown in too.  I just can't do all of these at the same time because there's a lot of work and time involved with working on these.  I'm not an expert at these but I did get a chance to purchase some media guides along the way to go along with my yearbook and program collection from that time period along with some radio games on cd and cassette from back then.  They are just sooooo informative.
    I use eagraph to install these files into the MVP Baseball game.  I place all of the kinds of the dat files except for the pa's into the data/audio/cd/spch_pbp/pnamedat file and I put the pa's into the ...spch/pa/pnamedat file and the hexes into the data/audio/spch_pbp/pnamehdr file and the pa hexes into the .../audio/spch_pa/pnamehdr.  If you have any problem please drop me a note and if you fellas have any questions about eagraph you might have to look it up where you downloaded the program.
    I'm kinda new here but that's what I read other folks on here say when there's problems that they should just look it up themselves.  I just don't want to rock any boats here..ya know.
    Enjoy the goodies.  I used the Eskie01 since I have a couple Eskimo dogs that watch and listen to the ball games with me...they are wonderful company since I'm here by myself all day.
    Thank you!
    PS:  I'm going through the AL right now and I'm down at the Royals, Tigers and Twins.  I'll try to upload those as soon as I can.  I have the Angels, A's, Brewers, Indians, Orioles, Red Sox & White Sox done now.  I also fixed in my copy some of the teams' shoes since some were using Adias or Nike...I forget which.  I won't disturb what Mr. James did with the unis but I have a few extra additional uniforms to upload for the A's and Orioles.  I noticed that the fonts were incorrect for the White Sox and Indians.  Both of them are the varsity type of font and the Orioles all orange one is incorrect too.  I got the ones that the gentleman that doesn't have a name uploaded back a ways did.  They looked like the picture that I have of the 4 20-game winners that the Birds had that year.  Again, I'll keep Mr. James other stuff the same but I'll fix what's incorrect.  Most of the teams didn't get the shiny look until the next year, but I think that the Pirates, Cardinals and some of the Orioles were shiny like polyester or at least non-flannel.  The flannel were a lot duller and of course had a specific weave  as the old flannel shirts that I remember.


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