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  1. dhtjd829

    Update 1998 cf

    Password please.....
  2. Bro 1998 mods team face when is release bro??^^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hanny


      it ok i forgieve you i share you password

    3. angner


      Contraseña por favor 🙏🏻 para desbloquear a Randy Jhonson 


    4. angner





  3. Wow suprise^^ very very thank you bro^^
  4. Wow!! Thank you. Other 1998 mode teams will look forward to seeing you soon ^^
  5. Thank you, Bro. I will look forward to seeing other teams as soon as possible ^^
  6. dhtjd829

    Boston Redsox 1998

    Thank you for answer. When will the 1998 mode see another team cyber pace? I'm waiting too much. ^^
  7. dhtjd829

    Boston Redsox 1998

    Thank you for your reply. I know it's rude, but I'm running too much of your 1998 mode cyber pace ^^ Can not you just upload your completed team cyber pace? ^^ I'm waiting for your day so much. Thank you for always. If you were feeling bad, you should understand it ^ ^
  8. Hello I am a Korean user who enjoys mlb2k12 due to your 1998 mode cyber pace. It is not different. 1998 mode I am sending a message because I wonder when another team update will happen. I wait every day. Thank you all the time ^ ^

  9. I am a firefighter in Korea. I am always waiting for your other upload file while I am working. I am always enjoying mlb2k12 because of your abilities. I would also like to have the cyber pace of other teams as soon as possible.
  10. dhtjd829

    Boston Redsox 1998

    thank you. Can I upload other files? I am waiting. Especially the Texas Rangers Chicago White Sox Baltimore Orioles San Francisco Giants and so on.
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