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    I'm a baseball fan

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MVP (9/10)

  1. Perfect Muy buen trabajo Good job
  2. bro when are those faces going to upload to mvpmods?
    Gracias bro, Feliz Navidad para ti y tu familia
  3. Bro, greetings, what date do you have to upload your faces?

    Bro very good work, I liked it a lot, but you have to correct some things, for example the speed of Aroldis Chapman when it reaches 100 mph you only see the 00 not complete.
  4. Bro, the house uniform of the hastros, gets the very stuck number of the letters he has on the front.

  5. Karelaf

    David Bote.rar

    Version 1.0.0


    Thanks Jed, you are amazing
    Congratulations, you can already play the opening day with quality faces.
  6. Nice face 5 stars
  7. Muy buen trabajo, me gusta mucho esa franquicia, le hice algunos arreglos de id para mi, solo le falta algunos detalles, saludos. Very good job, I really like that franchise, I made some id arrangements for me, just missing some details, greetings.
  8. This update is very good mlb2k, you think to make all the uniforms for 2k19, and the stadiums of the all star game is the Clevelad not the Kansas City.
  9. The files in total weigh 609 mb and have 49 elements in total?, Is to know if everything is broken.
  10. The file 3 and 5 give an error when opening it and I have the 7z installed
  11. How can I update the statistics to the players with the reditor II?
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