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  1. Well its after the september call-ups so its not really a 25-man roster but a 40 to be honest.
  2. Muchas Gracias. Al paso pero seguro!
  3. I guess u can't read. Perdon talvez no me super explicar. Por el momento estoy enfocado en actualizar las últimas transacciones. Al mismo tiempo que actualizo las últimas transacciones también estoy arreglando la rotación de pitchers pero la de bateo la he dejado atrás. Por mi trabajo no tengo mucho tiempo en el día para trabajar el archivo y por ende, solo puedo hacer tantas cosas a la vez. Al.final todo estará actualizado (rotación de pitcher, bateo, transacciones..) pero por el momento mi enfoque son las transacciones. Si me das un tiempo se que tendrás lo que estás buscando. Gracias x la sugerencia y la página.
  4. Como dice la descripcion, es un trabajo en progreso... Aun no he llegado a esos equipos que enseñaste. El batting lineup no tiene importancia y lo hare de ultimo, eso lo puedes hacer tu mismo si quieres. Estoy enfocado en las ultimas trasacciones por ahora.
  5. Version 1.3.1


    First of all, If you don't see a player in the roster is because it hasn't being created. It'll be created eventually, have patience. This Roster update is for the MLB active roster with the latest transactions. I will update the all the teams one by one. I will update the minor leagues later on, this is only for the MLB active rosters, the players that have gotten sent down will be at their correct minor league team-So will be the free agents. There is a problem with the faces when playing "Quick game", but it shows the real faces when playing franchise mode which is what I really care about. I have already asked for help so if you know how to fix this issue, please let me know. This problem has been about 75% corrected and will be fully corrected in an upcoming update. Coming up: , Minor changes to the minor leagues, major changes to players ID and face ID, major portrait changes, creation of some key players. Upcoming long term updates: Re-balance of all SP and CL, re balance of all MLB rookie players, major changes to the minor leagues and creation of players. This roster has now been completed as of 10/1/2017. Ver.1.0.0: New York Mets and Baltimore Orioles Current Active Roster as of 9/10/2017. Simulated the whole season in franchise mode w/o a crash. David Wright was put in A Ball because hes neither coming back for a while nor retiring. So what the heck, it is what it is.
  6. oxidax

    Roster Actualizados

    I cant download it
    Crash to desktop
    Everybody seems to be with the right team but the faces are wrong and so are the portraits.
    Thank you very much! I know you already said it is not perfect, but any chance you could tell me how far updated the roster is as per the latest transactions? Im asking primarily for the latest trades more than anything really.
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