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Everything posted by osbel

  1. Sorry, I discontinued that work
  2. Hi friends, I plan to update some uniforms for the game.Could anybody help me with the search of the uniform fonts? Any website?
  3. It would be great to have a community for this game, I love it, I am only doing this to keep the game alive
  4. I plan to update the last official roster of RBI 21 to Opening Day 2024, it will take some time because it is a manual work, there are not known programs for that, it will also include new backgrounds images for all the 30 teams and an update for The Cleveland Guardians uniform.
  5. Yes , that's true, don't worry, I will speak in English
  6. Mis respetos para usted por el arduo trabajo, si alguna vez tuvimos nuestras diferencias por mi parte eso queda enterrado.Hacer un mod no es cosa fácil, lleva tiempo y recursos, espero que la comunidad te apoye.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Improved color of some textures Changed main textures of the stadium based in the reality Enjoy and support this work PayPal osbely96@gmail.com
  8. osbel

    Target Field 2024

    Thank you
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Includes: Updated all the new logos Updated some textures Improved color for some textures Added retired numbers to the stadium Inside this Rar: Minnesota Twins Stadium iff file Minnesota Twins Uniform iff file (Umachines uniform with new logos added by me) PayPal Account for donations: osbely96@gmail.com
  10. Great, you can count on me.
  11. I think it is possible but I don't know.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Greetings friends, Using data from Baseball-Reference, Baseball Savant, FanGraphs, here is a roster for RBI Baseball 21, updated for the 2023 season. This can be installed by following the path listed below: There will be a folder with your Steam ID which will contain a "rosters" file. If one exists you can overwrite that file with this one. If you appreciate the work on this roster as this took a lot of manual time and effort, feel free to donate to my crypto addresses in either Tether or Bitcoin: USDT-TRC20: TL33TwEUNoLCvT8mHN2uDS6d6oeSU7gRUb BTC: 17QDNE5SPiQuqkQUScDZsofjmkNXzd4k9T Many thanks, Osbel
  13. Follow me in YouTube https://youtube.com/@RBIBaseball21RosterUpdat-eb5zr Follow me in YouTube https://youtube.com/@RBIBaseball21RosterUpdat-eb5zr
  14. osbel

    Yu Darvish

    Version 1.0.0


    This cyberface is compatible with Headtrip47 roster.Select eye color brown in Reditor II.Enjoy and support me with donations.
  15. osbel

    Brandon Marsh

    Version 1.0.0


    Brandon Marsh.A player that appears in this world series.Compatible with Headtrip47 roster.Select eye color green in Reditor II.Enjoy and support me with donations in order to keep me working on this great videogame
  16. osbel

    Christian Javier

    Version 1.0.0


    Enjoy of this work and if you like it support it with donations.Compatible with Headtrip47 roster
  17. osbel

    Jeremy Peña

    Version 1.0.0


    Compatible with Headtrip47 roster. Eye color brown in reditor.Skin tone 3.
  18. osbel

    Trey Mancini

    Version 1.0.0


    Compatible with Headtrip47 roster
  19. I have a cyberface pack.Not all of them,but I have more than 700 faces of this community compatibles with Headtrip47 but I live in Cuba and the internet here is expensive.I will try to upload the archive when I can.For now I can't.
  20. Thank you man.I am also making a cyberface pack who match the Headtrip47's roster.So that the community can play this game updated.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Included all 30 teams.Included more than 40 portraits per team and more than 1300 in general.Based on mlb.com 40 man roster.Enjoy and support me with donations if it is possible and if you do let me know in the chat or the comments.
  22. Excelent roster👏
    Hi.I imported the portrait file but there are only a few teams.After that I created some portraits for another team and imported them with the correct Id.However when I ran the game,it didn't loaded the images of the portraits.Please help me.I must know if there is an error in the roster or if it is that may portrait file is corrupt
  23. This is a video game for PC and other consoles.The official video game of the MLB.The game has been descontinued after the 21 version.I uploaded the file in mlb2k12 because there is no section in the web to this file.The work was made with much love so that the lovers of baseball could play an updated game.Sorry if I made a mistake doing the job
  24. Version 1.0.0


    People follow me in my YouTube canal.I will start to make the 2023 roster for RBI BASEBALL 21.It won't be free but will be cheap. https://youtube.com/@RBIBaseball21RosterUpdat-eb5zr
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