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  1. besides does it look like my stadium is being done to be realistic, i think not, just having fun doing it without being serious, as if my ads would be in real parks like i have them, i think not..cheers!
  2. updated for 2019 and being more realistic...glad i am not a yankee fan..they try to buy pennant every year, cause they have more cash then everyone else...cheers yankee4life
  3. Version 1.0.0


    here is the fan's wearing expo's jerseys and caps when playing at washington home, fans have expo jersey and caps not washington , goes with my expo tribute at washington stadium and expo home uniform at washington..cheers!
  4. most young people don't even know who the expos were...cheers...to please you i will change it to Quebecois Poutine.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Remembering the Calgary Cannons, used Colorado stadium, back up original...Cheers Canada. 1 more update to come.
  6. Version 2.1


    Remembering the Expos....back up files, used wash stadium to mod, updated ads and added a few things to the stadium, also montreal home uniform in uniform section and the home fans wearing expo hats and jerseys in misc section. cheers canada
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Remembering the Expos....back up files, did expos home team uniform to go with the expo stadium which is in miscellaneous section..cheers
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