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Everything posted by wmunny

  1. Hi, is the REDitor ii GURU license still available for purchase for MLB 2k13 0n  Xbox 360? The "Order Now" button doesn't work.. 


    Also every .ROS roster file I save from REDitor's free version won't load in-game, it says that the file is "corrupted or unreadable"... If anyone has ran into this problem and knows if I'm missing a step or anything, please help! I've loaded other rosters from Operation Sports using Horizon and they've worked fine. 

  2. Hi, I'm having the same problem getting a guru license and have emailed Vl@d and no response yet but also I can't get the Reditor .ROS roster files to open on the Xbox at all, it just says the file is "corrupted or unreadable" .. I have even tried original in game roster files with only 1 edit as a test and still nothing, I was wondering if any one else has had this problem and figured it out. Am I maybe missing a step? The files I load from Operation Sports sight added by Horizon work fine.
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