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Everything posted by Ritchie

  1. For us Yankees fans we better hope some team beats the stros in the playoffs because for sure the Yankees won't..
  2. when will the Yankees score runs for Montgomery? has there even been 1 game when they have?
  3. @Jim825 he got my message post as he did settle down quite nicely last night after that.
  4. Taillon on his game once again. gave up another HR - this time by Devers.
  5. in regards to: Yes i made a custom portrait id and cf id just what i said post. I hope you read that part. Incase of the skintone i already edited some and will release a roster update soon. But if you want to edit the skin color by yourself you need to do it on reditor. Change playertype to 5. And you can edit it ingame in reditor, it does not show a 'playertype' option -- see attachment
  6. sorry, typo, meant for MLB2k12

  7. all set.  thanks a bunch for your help.  I know you put a ton of work into this already, but will there be cyberfaces added because then it would make it more realistic.


    thanks, once again!!!

  8. Headtrip:


    downloaded your portrait files. opened and extracted them as you instructed.  ran TiT program. program ran successfully but portraits are still not showing.  using your ROSTER.  even ran TiT from mlb2k folder because it could not find portrait iff and cdf files if I did not.


    see attached file -


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. headtrip47
    3. headtrip47
    4. headtrip47


      1. Part1.zip, extract this to desktop or other locations on your computer.

      2. After you extract you will see folders with team names chicago cubs etc.....

      3. Launch Tit and browse the folder, for ex. Chicago cubs folder, open it and you will see the portrait.zip.. click that and hit start...

  9. Hello:


    first of all.  I appreciate all of your hard work and effort into this as everyone else should be.

    but after I downloaded your roster and portraits (installed portraits via TiT, the portraits did not display with the player names.

    did I miss a step or 2?  using MLB2K12 original MOD.





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ritchie


      tried again and was prompted portraits were not decompressed.

    3. Ritchie


      searched for the video but no longer available.  any way these can be downloaded as .cff and .iff files as I am having issues decompressing these portraits.

    4. headtrip47


      I tested again the files and it install for me properly. So ithink you have a mistake in installing the portrait. Go to youtube search for wolfof2k. There you can see his tutorial on hot to install portraits properly

  10. @Yankee4Life same here. never saw these names as an insult to the native Americans. where I live in Grafton, Mass our HS name was the Grafton Indians. changed to Grafton Gators -- there are no gators in Massachusetts. where my wife's sisters live in Dartmouth, Mass, they want to keep the school's mascot as Indian as the Supporters say the Dartmouth Indian is not a mascot but a symbol of the town’s history and pride but Opponents say Native mascots amount to stereotyping and cultural appropriation and hurt Native youth. I do not see that as hurt.
  11. Sure. And this is the 14th different lineup by Boone.
  12. another lineup change for tonight's game vs the Guardians made by Boone. for crying out loud, make a lineup and stick with it.
  13. Old friend Pineda shuts down former team. Stanton, Rizzo combined 9 LOB. 1 for 7 in RISP. Nothing knew. 2021 part deux. Teams that should have been beaten or swept, Orioles and Tigers.
  14. Funny, I'm playing mlb2k12 on my PC, Yankees at Orioles and the O's leading 1 to 0 in 6th inning. Maybe Yanks get shutout?
  15. @Yankee4Life I haven't even watched a game. Getting notifications from MLB regarding Yankees and then checking the scoreboard later but that's about it. My brother has been asking how they're doing this year and I reply same as last year, nothings changed. Judge should have signed that contract bcuz the way he's hitting, he's not going to get much. They ruined a great performance by Cortes.
  16. 2 losses to lowly Orioles. Played 9 innings and could not score. Piss ass team - 2021 again.
  17. Nestor Cortez, member of the immaculate inning club. Way to go!!! And again cannot score. Another great game pitched by Cortes.
  18. Wow!! Woke up this morning and saw they won. Unbelievable!! Well, Happy Easter to all!!!
  19. Again, can't score with RISP. 0 for 6 so far, vs the lowly Orioles. C'mon, team. This is year 2022, not 2021.
  20. Should us Yankees fans be worried about Cole's start of 2022 season?? Yes, even though it's been only 2 games pitched. Not the $300 million man the brass thought he was.
  21. looking like last years team - not hitting with RISP... 'Gallo is hitting .188. How the hell did Cashman think this was a good pick up?' and he batted cleanup last night..
  22. @Jim825 Judge is taking a big risk that way. Already could have had the money. Now, if he gets hurt, hopefully not, he may not get as big a contract. The brass may not even offer same type of deal.
  23. Good win for the Yanks since the 300 million dollar man got tagged in the first inning. Judge free agent end of year?? How can someone turn down $30 million per year???
  24. nice job but faces, players (names) do not match for the Yankees. have players no longer on this team.
  25. @Yankee4Life Take a look at this video right here. It's beautiful, wonderful and hilarious. just like old times.
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