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Posts posted by raidersbball20

  1. I'm excited for this. Perhaps it can be a game added to the online modding community here.

    ​This game will definitely be modded whether here or somewhere else.  Funny story scottybilly, with all the craziness and bugs going on with the site upgrade mvpmods had me signed in under you today when I first logged in.

  2.  Duplicate accounts are a problem on this forum and always will be.


    ​Y4L I appreciate the response and I appreciate what you do here.  However, here in lies the million dollar question. Based on what KC and I posted above why are duplicate accounts still viewed as a problem? 


    2) I wouldn't say that duplicate account takes up server space (other than an entry in the site database, not really), and having two different computers with two accounts doesn't mean he can download things faster, because as far as I know the site is hosted on one server and there are anti-leech protections in place due to the content management system that the site uses. Not exactly a drain on resources. Technically, all a duplicate account could do from a functionality standpoint would be to simply enable the user to circumvent the download system which, as we have both stated has no longer been in place.

    ​Y4L this is maybe where Trues can chime in.  Most of our mods get like 100 downloads tops so as KC points out I really do not think the duplicate accounts are in anyway slowing down the website.  At 100 download tops per mod release we are definitely not seeing any site mining going on.  And as KC points out there are anti leech protections most likely in place to circumvent this type of activity.   Yes, the rule is there and you enforce the rule but no one can seem to give a reason as to why the rule is still around or provide an answer with any real merit as to why duplicate accounts negatively effect the site other then, "its the rule".    If Trues feels there is good reason to keep the rule in place then by all means lets keep it.  Otherwise, the only thing I see the rule doing is driving you nuts with hundreds of duplicate accounts made and having to lay down the ban hammer. 

  4. Can we let cooler heads prevail? We really don't need any more fracturing of the modding communities.

    Agreed. Gentlemen, this argument will lead to nothing but hateful comments.. I can say myself that Y4L has thanked me for my contributions to this site for the 2K series. BSU-FAN, I hate to see you leave this site. I want to thank you for your enormous amount of work put into the 2K modding community.

  5. Understood. Great explanation And thank you. I ask because I thought we could transfer over his CF from 2k11. However I dont know his CF ID from 2K11 and my version of reditor wont open 2k11 .ros files

  6. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&s

    File Name: 2015 Memphis Red Birds

    File Submitter: raidersbball20

    File Submitted: 10 Apr 2015

    File Category: Uniforms and Accessories

    Version: 1.0

    Memphis Red Birds Home and Away Jerseys. Also includes replay and scoreboard overlays and updated crowd file. You can also download my 2K15 logo update mod here:

    the update menu logos for the Red Birds. Just install files in your install directory and use ty's editor to update the colorlist. Hope everyone enjoys!

  7. OK..I thought so. I have fixed it and it will be in my next release. Thanks

    BSU i pm'd you this to but this might help everyone out if you could answer please.

    How does the game use the Roster to assign and cyberface and portrait to a manager? I know the portraits are in the portrait.iff but I never have seen in the game where it utilizes them. And with the Indian fans asking about francona I see his ID is 4105 (most of the managers are in the 4000 range) but there are no face files with those numbers so what exactly is the game using as a file for manager faces?

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