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Everything posted by raidersbball20

  1. I never thought I would be bundled up drinking cocoa in July.
  2. I have been in Minneapolis for the allstar game
  3. Man I got close to it at fanfest. They had all the other trophies for the year too
  4. Sorry no. Ive actually been at all star weekend. Its cold!
  5. Aces thank u for your pamusic in the other sound thread. I would love 2 do some sound modding myself. There are so many files to rummage through!
  6. LOL, guys they are MLB 2K12. Sorry, Y4L please put this in the correct thread. Have a Happy Independence Day!
  7. Here is what the All Star hats will look like
  8. So finally got Red MC working. All I did was change 2K12 to 2K14. Imported. CRASH! Game Crashes everytime.
  9. Well I did email Vlad a third time. I just hate bugging him. The little I was able to use it I was happy to be able to extract the text. But as KC said I really wish we could get at the global.iff. That's the bread and butter. I didn't have any luck with extracting embedded textures from SCNE files but it looks like you did.
  10. Very nice! I purchased a full lifetime version of RED MC and have gotten two separate keys and my features such as text editing keep disappearing on me. Marlins have you had any problems like this or any suggestions?
  11. Yankees portrait pack has been updated to match IDs on BSU-FAN's latest roster.
  12. Thanks for all the "heavylifting" put into this roster!
  13. I said what the hell and bought the lifetime keys for the iff manipulation.
  14. Thank you KC. I actually ended up having to email him but got it all taken care of.
  15. Well I was able to extract the text out of the english.iff at least. text.7z
  16. On the last release I had crashes with Rochester. Has that been corrected?
  17. Well BSU-FAN's updated roster tonight should have the renamed teams. But several rosters out do already such as KCcitystars ODR roster which can be found with any of my 2014 portrait packs uploads. I have updated logos for all the teams in this mod: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> Also, if you check the uniform section I have update uniforms for the Charlotte Knights, Rubber Ducks, etc.
  18. I believe so. I havent had alot of time to experiment. You need to make sure to use an unmodded english.iff
  19. Good to see you here. This is the thread I was following regarding some of the capabilities. http://forums.nba-live.com/viewtopic.php?f=153&t=94877
  20. Once again thank you sir!
  21. Ok now were getting somewhere. I have a tutorial in the below thread for installing portraits. You can do 10000+ with the method. '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  22. But how are you replacing them? What program are you using to actually replace the file?
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