Este pana le mete al bruto durísimo vale... No entiendo como le cuesta tanto comprender el significado de mis anteriores palabras!🤣🤣🤣. Payasito, Do you know the true meaning of the word help? In the Mvp 2k Caribe community we have a nickname for people like you ... That is what sets us apart. You think that helping is uploading and uploading content like crazy. BUT NO. "HELP" is to answer any question, no matter how minimal. Helping is showing respect for others. Helping is sharing your solutions with those who need them ... If you're an asshole, it's okay hahahahaha. You can go to hell. Really ... It is a bummer to make a point to understand a point to a total blinded like you ...
I feel satisfied with the help and contributions that I have given in this community ... It happens that I do not even need to publish that I do it, much less the recognition of the people I have helped. That alone is enough for me ... Helping others. But ... What can you expect from you pathetic little man?🤣. You do what a small-time clown like you does after all ... Talk without knowing. And that's fine ... So many more people realize the kind of rubbish that is in this community unfortunately... 🤡🤡🤡
No tiene ninguna razón panita. Tú simplemente expresaste la opinión que tenías y ya está. A lo mejor ni sabías que las cosas funcionan así. Pasa que aquí, hay una cuerda de payasos que tienen unos aires de grandeza, que no sé que se creen. Como el "señor perfecto" que como siempre anda de salido donde no lo llaman. Pero haaaay... Si fuera uno el que le responde a uno de ellos así, en menos de 5 minutos ya tienes a todas las novias encima defendiéndolo!x). No te le rebajes a estos tipejos tan patéticos. Que no son nadie. Y dentro de un ratito, prepárate para recibir la lluvia de mensajes privados donde te ofenden. Porque para eso es que sirven. Y que casualidad... Casi siempre es con los latinos ésta actitud.
Yankee, for my part this is finished. I show respect to you, and to everyone who deserves it. I'm not interested in forming an argument with you now, far from it. On the contrary, I apologize if you could feel alluded to by this. But I repeat ... This is about the fact that there should be respect from everyone. Respect should be the foundation for everything in life. And I think many of us agree with that. Even you. So, you can't just demand that someone stop with something, when the other until these hours, continues to send and send private messages with their childish insults ... It is something silly. It's that I don't even answer them anymore. So it's not just that it's "between the two of us." This is a public forum. We are all supposed to be in healthy peace. What you tell me, I have done. I update my own rosters from time to time. And I share them with whoever asks me personally. When there is something they do not like and they tell me, I am not running to tell them that I am going to kill them, far from it. I just take the criticism and fix it. I wish the other guy was like that. It's over. Again, excuse me if you felt alluded to, but ... Only Yankee defended me. Blessings, and good luck to your team for the remainder of the season.
Tú tienes respeto porque te lo ganas Alfredo. Por la sencilla razón, de que también respetas a los demás. He ahí la cuestión. Por mi parte, doy por terminado ésto. Respetando siempre a ti, y a los que se lo merecen. Paz hermano.
I literally said absolutely nothing. Just rate the job, according to what it seemed to me. That was it. Constructive criticism and comments? ... I'm tired of doing it. Many here know me and are friends. I don't even need to name them. So ... what do you mean by hitting the mod? ... when I just rated it based on my taste. Are you kidding? ... Hahahaha. I imagine that the sanction is also directed to the creator of said mod. Well, also on TWO occasions if he "HIT" ME. In fact, I just got offended again privately. When I have never said any insult to him. Or what happens? ... You do not say anything to the friends and to the others if? That's what everyone is seeing ... Whenever you want I can show the bad treatment that some "Modders" give without reason.
Edited today 07-08-2021.
-Avoid misclassifying the content of this man ... Because then you will find his offenses by private messages, instead of making it public right here as a "little man". I guess you don't want to see your "prestige or fame" affected on this page !;).
Edited today 07-08-2021.
-Avoid misclassifying the content of this man ... Because then you will find his offenses by private messages, instead of making it public right here as a "little man". I guess you don't want to see your "prestige or fame" affected on this page !;).
I was going to comment on the problem of free agents ... But I see that already Gordo fixed on that. I hope I can fix it soon. Thank you for your great work, friend.