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  1. Im ashamed of my progress and then you drop this aawsomeness. Its the little details that makes it feel like a NCAA game. Very nice work as always
  2. Thanks, I have the English version, its the how to videos that are using the Chinese version is the problem.
  3. Thanks again man, been busy and stuck my self. All the info i find on the 3dm tool they are using the Chinese version so been a slow start. The guy has a ton of videos but they are all out of order so im trying to find the ones where he isnt doing complex stuff right off the bat.
  4. Jack805td have an ulmini for himself or family/friends? That would cover your school, mine and his....
  5. Lets see that wild hair cut , lol. Honestly id vote who has the coolest unis. Or who is the highest ranked out of them. Played McNeese State back 03/04 in college they be cool too. Hell ill prob edit the last team out and put in Hardin-Simmons University my old school, doubt anyone would play with them. Basiclly all of LSU unis with these logos instead 👇 not me lol some random dude our hats where different when i was there. They use the football ult logo on the baseball alt unis too
  6. Oh dear god that would be amazing, im start to get motion sickness bc i fly threw the menus so fast doing these setting, that would be a huge time saver. 💪
  7. Man thats my speciality, ive had to do this for a few projects at a shop i use to work at. Where we did artwork, decals, tshirts etc, then had to redraw some in Corel 11 if couldnt track it down. Stuff for juco's, HS and select leagues that used classic logos.
  8. Just got home, gona nap for a few and start on this. Mind sending that over? Or is there a spot on her i can download them?
  9. Ill def take them, this weekend im off friday to monday night so im going to learn my self how to make some unis. Sit down watch some vids and play with the tools. TBH i got a late start on my project and have no problem shelving it, its not something locked into a specific yr. Ill just play exhibition games till im done. Im way more intrested in working on the NCAA mod. It will help me knock out my Minors overhual (not many will want it but me prob, id rather play seasons of minor affiliates) Next issue i just noticed we might have, B-C is predominant black school. How would we go about making the rosters randomly have that. Same with some of the schools that are traditionally latino, white or foreigners? It be nice to have some way of keep it authentic to these traditional schools. B-C, Jackson State, Grambling and Southern (not sure if u have all them schools) are all in this category. BTW ive always loved B-C n these are sick, same colors as my HS
  10. Here is pics of 4 different uni sets that will always have team color gear but different color combos that u never have to change once you have done the method i figured out. As others may have to, but no more random gear colors (lime green shoes on the blue jays, stuff like that) be easy for me to make work with ur College Rosters. Like i said i may be going to detailed but i dont mind the time.
  11. Is there a way to randomize their body types and builds? (the setting for buff, ripped, calf size, chest size etc) i only ask bc it gives it more of random look and athletic build (i manually set all the mlb players and that shit sucked and is taking me forever. Im doing a lot of stuff manually at this point) . Also i noticed that skin tone has 11 setting but 2k doesnt use them all? Also random setting for personal gear, once again i did this for every player manually err... I may be asking too much here but only out of curiosity and i mean for ur project not mine. Im OCD as hell so i wouldnt mind going threw the college rosters and do it if need be, ive gotn pretty fast at it and kept it random.
  12. Thank you, you saved me some trial and error time as well as giving me some heads up on what to and not to change. The abbreviation would have hung me up. I came across some similar problems when moving some stuff around. Those are the little things ive looked over and coming to find. Just got off work going to dive in and see how lost i can get. Im pointed in the right direction
  13. Thats where the learing curve is about to hit me, Time to watch some how to videos. RII and RE are easy just data entry stuff. As an art major you think id enjoy learning new programs, the grind for the gain i guess
  14. I have a question along the lines of this too, how did you get the logos swapped, RII or another mod tool, bc ive had now luck in RII? Im working on my minor league logo updates. My guess is im in the wrong mod tool🤔 sorry not trying to highjack i just thought banner logos and colors (your question) would be in the same tool and now im confused.
  15. If you dont mind I would attempt to set up a season mode? If it doesn't work ill chalk it up to a learning moment. Ive been playing with the schedules here lately and figured out how to get it to be a 2019 season not 2012 in all the screen text, pain in the ass but it possible. ▪have to move games schedule to 2019 ▪extend all contacts the dif from 2012-2019 so 7rs ▪then move everyones bday back 7yrs bc the ROS creator adj bdays so they reflect ages now in 12' ▪then you sim for 7 seasons of emptiness plus end of season task Basiclly it acts as if a lock out was happing for 7 season and then when 2019 hits the schedule starts up (pro and minor). Only problem is players that are to young to move their bday back 7 yrs and older ones retiring even though no games played. Thats the next work around and the best way i found to fix that is adjust the young players right before season 2019 starts rather than back in 2012. As for older may have to manipulate their bday so they stay active till 2019.
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