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Everything posted by mcoll

  1. ther a cubs set coming from from me to. current set soon. maybe but a long shot for tonight, likely more tomorrow tues the latest
  2. not lkely. peices within the iff ropbaly have been moved or added, so they wont fully work in 11 if at all. exsample uniforms have changed, with a couple peices in the file, just as logo have ther ownl peice seq, where in 11 its on the uniform. the only i know that works in bth are the lighting mod that was made for the basketball game, but works on tour baseball games, but needs twating agion, becuase of what 2k did to the lighting.
  3. unless im remembering the wrong roster.iff in the main folder has never opened in the editor,its not a true "roster" file. only the .ros file are true edited roster files the editor can open. im thinking its holding file for the game start point, but i remember that part with any degree of certinity
  4. that works. at least for me that works.
  5. mcoll

    nl wesat

    Version 1.1


    this the nl west set home road and primary alt uniforms, fixed in color and errors as best i can given 2k did or didn't do with them. next up is the nl central.
  6. one step throw youthat forogot her. you have to the roster file and put it into the the save file before you load it up. kind of import step there
  7. one of us will if ds hasnewt done it yet. there not the only team they mess up the helment logo on, they did to ari to on one of the alt uniforms. im allready got that fixed in my set im relaseing this weeking i hope. i dont know if there are other teams with that issue or not we will see
  8. the only trhing ty editor effects color wise is the helments, shoes, sleves, chaging gear depending whatthe catcher is wearing, and shoes, the caps are in if the each uniform iff file itself, i i've a lot these unforms and know the my facts. so confirm i this for you.
  9. there two reasons lad looks off. your right there off, oe is the way the lighting effefs are done is messing up colors somewhat, but 2k never seems to ge thte colors right. its like they have monkey doing ther colors. the selves, numbers, shoes and helments are hex/rgb color controlad in the roster files, but fixes are coming for shocks, caps, throws things. if you look there a dodger set i did that as the cap in the right shade of blue, given the liggting efftecs issues. now if they could train the mokeny to do a color colr match number research and do it, they be better off. lol im make home road and priamery alts for the mlb teams, so be paitent with the proper colors, so if you see and issue, be paatient, i or one of mco grate unifroms modders are likely to get the all the teams between done sonner or later.
  10. you dont install them you open them in photoshop or paintnet or what program can handle .psd files and then work with them, then save each cap you make as a dds and import that into what ever uniform iff file you want in in
  11. Version 1


    this psd file containing the swatches for each mll club teams color. this should help in assting you in the colors. there as asscutre as im able to have them. this help for those who hate trying to get the hex color inof during creation. just use tan eyedroper in paintnet or photoshop for the color you want and give you the vaules if you need them
  12. probelm with the logos is because they removed the logo from the jersey seq #5 and its has its own seq number, that why your seeing t2 logos. eyou either half to remove the logo from the older #5 then import theat into it, or your going to need to edit the logo in the newer one to get the color right. its either number 13 or 18 in the new one i thinks 13.
  13. he responded to me by eamil, so you might havea chance!
  14. if you have a program that handle dds, just photoshop or paint net add the dds plung in in pohtoshop you save the caps from last year in dds, open itit in either program and rzie it in the program save it, then import into the new ones. that your best best or use the template i put up in dds form for photoshop as it has layers and do color work there then save each one at a time. already sized for the right size and save each in dds form and iponert your new cap wher you need to
  15. they over did t he lighting reflectios. the caps also ahve an issue with looking ruberry and the white uniforms in day tend to take a bit of a yellow tenit to them. iots a light and light relefection issue. its been discussed in the moddong thread. i think of the guys name the worked the lighting file right now, but maybe he'll work it, dont if he will or not, but maybe he will and find away to soften that problem. its as if they said we take the bad light effects tb rays home games had last year for the helemnt and alppied to everyone.
  16. ther in the game, but i will be doing an improved version soon. they need wirk so be doing them all, i think,
  17. small update of the 13 seq, which the front logo used. for at least what ive found. als this based on the reds and dodgers. if you open the dds in photo shop the dodgers isa soild blue blox since its one color only, if you open that same dds onto paintnet it actually shows the word mark, then if you have that back as another dds and open the new one in photoshop it appear as the word mark with black behind it, now there is a catch, the woriking visable area is the word logo itself, so if you put trim to it it must be on the inside edge of the word. the reds lgo appears a little differtly. the white and black appears as they should but in photo the red appears and filles the rest of the box, white in paintnet, it appears exacrtly as really appears. that the news. here
  18. mcoll

    Dodgers set


    These are revised Dodgers uniforms using there proper colors. to have the helmet and numbers and sleeves appear wih the same color match, use the color correction file located here http://www.mvpmods.c...oads&showcat=76
  19. i dont if lower res or if they took a lot of textureing out. its clearly somther on the unis.
  20. doest appear there going to be an ther with the logo. the red one as its logo, but the differnet is the red outer part of the logo is acts like a background in the exported 13 seq. the only place i see an issue would be if a modder were chane the logo completly, yea i see as having hide 13 and adpet it to 5. we will see
  21. one more more note for tonight. i still dont wieather the color text file is a problem importing as staed in previous notes or its an issue i have or not, but there one other mote. detoriedt has noted the caps looks rubbery and i agree, they continue look at that way even with the lastest photomod and correcting the color to match det styles color matches, and using my cap template, so that an issue wapparently with the way the lighting is done in game. i dont know the answer to how resolve that one. the other note is i did my first uniform endt. the dodgers, and the front logo is item 13 in the file,and appears with the file as dodgers, but when its exported out of the lastest mmodtoo version, and into photo shop ots a sold box color, so as right now chnge its colors works, but i dont if where going to be able change logo yet or not if weant to or how the logos that are two colors works yet, havent gotten far enough on that to report an answer to y yet.
  22. will one peice of bad news, if you take the color text file det style as put up and try to import to your roster, ty editor doest like it. at least for me.
  23. they are, but between the photomod and detorit color corredtion file he's uploaded that should be better.
  24. version 21 is the last one for 2k11
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