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Everything posted by xflamexofxhopex

  1. Any chance for the save editor, too? EDIT: Like the one from the below link, but for SMB3. Link:
  2. Question, how did you get the sleeve textures to be like they are in the screenshots?
  3. That Degrom is by far the best one I’ve seen. As for Vlad, the progress looks great. Are you going to color his dreads to blonde-tipped, like they are now? Also, could you point me to some tutorials on how to do these? I have some in mind that people haven’t tackled yet or if they did, didn’t do a good as a job as what could be done, like Scott Kingery, Austin Riley, and Mike Soroka. That and I want to add the mini-dreads to Acuña Jr. on the Braves as well.
  4. Can you do Austin Riley from the Braves, Mike Soroka from the Braves, and Scott Kingery of the Phillies? All three and young and red-hot plays. Soroka was on All Stars this year.
  5. Question, I loaded up the roster file and everything worked fine and all, but I noticed that none of my minor league teams are selectable nor editable in management?
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