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  1. como instalo este archivo amigo y para cual mvp es mvp 2k o mvp baseball
  2. Hi, friend, Marcos, how could you work on these three players? Of course, yes, friend. are these Daniel Norris christopher morel seiya suzuki
  3. Hello friend, how do I install the audio
  4. hola amigo seria bueno que subieras los portrain y los models
  5. hola amigo por que solo mangas negras (tono negro) no prodrias tan bien aver, mangas azul (tono negro) , mangas verde ( tono negro) mangas rojas (tono negro) mangas blanca (tono negro) esos colores nada mas estan disponible para ( tonos blanco o tonos mas claros ) creo que tan bien debaeriar a ver disponible para (tonos mas oscuros) no se creo yo no se si tu as pensado en ese pequeño detalle, por que la mayorias de los jugadores de (tono oscuros ) que solo usan mangas negras y creo que no quedaria mal un jugador de (tono negro) con mangas otros colores ya nombrados pero con el (tono negro)
  6. esta bien tienes toda la rason pero el ridiculo esta de mas bro asi que modera tu vocabulario por favor trate a las personas con mas respeto
  7. amigo cuando los va actualizar los Roster, Portrait, Models
  8. UUmm okay, sorry friend, I was just saying it was because this roster really looks more realistic but there are some portraits that are not the same and have the faces of other players In my opinion, it is worth having a realistic roster if the faces do not match the players, there is already the game is losing realism I do not say anyway thanks for your answer and for your great work
  9. Hello friend, excellent work, what are you doing? I wanted to ask you if you could create the stadium of the twins of mennesotas target field

    1. BallFour


      Hey, sorry for the delayed response. I'm not planning on creating Target Field, because there's a great Target Field mod already released. Here's the link:



    2. leivis


      It's not okay, friend, I was just asking you why it would be good for the twins of mennesotas to have their original state, I don't know, since that mod is the stadiums of the Cleveland Indians


      but anyway thanks for your answer friend

    3. BallFour


      I don't know what to tell you. Any mod I do would be a resemblance of Progressive Field in Cleveland as well. 

  10. Hello friend, excellent work, what are you doing? I wanted to ask you if you could create the state of the twins of mennesotas target field
  11. Hello friend, your work is very good, but why don't you upload the models and portraits so well, so this roster would be better
  12. Gracias
  13. hola amigo ser que podrias subir los Portrait y los Models
  14. Amigo y en programa podemos editada las distancias las medidas de los estadios donde puedo conseguir ese programa
  15. 😒😒😒😒 mmnn, pero no abra algún programa donde se pueda editar los estadion ya creados
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