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  1. Yeah i get you. I set all the audio ids to -1 but the play by play announcers till say names based on the slot. Nothing we can do about that. Thanks man.
  2. Up to KC when it comes out. But while i have you, is there a way I could unassign player name audio from every player? So no one has a name used by the announcers or PA?
  3. Thanks ill give it a shot
  4. Never been able to get the NBA 2k12 mod tool to open, i was tried yesterday. I think its a Java issue
  5. Something really cool and add a little more strategic depth from a GM/managerial perspective, trait sets for players that have affects both on and off the field. An on the field trait you could call Nails, where a player plays through minor injuries without negative effects. Or an off the field one called Hollywood, where they may be somewhat of a toxic clubhouse personality. When making trades, draft decisions or putting someone in a clutch situation you make the player look beyond the numbers and find what best fits the needs of that situation, trade or draft pick.
  6. I read through this thread a bit, saw some mention in of moddability being of utmost importance or not. In my opinion, if anything is opening up options to the player in regard to the rules of the game. Think internationally too. We’ve seen rule changes here in the MLB recently. And a big selling point for this game could be rule customization that allows the player to somewhat emulate the game over different time periods and in different countries. Rules affect how a game is played. Allow a more physical game with breaking up double plays and hard nosed plays at the plate. You could even dive into unwritten rules like the option for retaliation for pimping a homer. Things like that tell the story of the game from different time periods and set the game up how you want it to be played. It isn’t flashy stuff for a video game but as an element it could set the game apart.
  7. Yeah, its all functions correctly just wont display correctly in the standings menu, onky 4 teams can be displayed for the AL West. My thought is its in the 3 ls_standings.IFF files. I couldn't get REDMC to export the textures from the SCNE files inside except for irrelevant ones related to sponsors. Any ideas?
  8. Yah, I have them in the AL West in game, in a franchise, but only 4 of the 5 teams will show up in standings. Whoever is last in the division, falls off the list. They are still in the division, but disappear if they are in that 5 spot. I was wondering if it was a graphical issue with the game, since it was designed with only 4 teams in the AL west. All functions fine though
  9. Something I've been tinkering with in REDMC, is trying to extract the ls_standings4 5 and 6 iff files. I'm pretty sure it is why, though you successfully moved the Astros to the AL west, they will not appear in the standings. The AL west standings panel was clearly made to only show 4 teams. I know scne files can be eidted with notepad ++, at least in more recent NBA 2k titles. I have a fully functioning REDMC, but it does not extract the embeded textures from these scene files. I've dove back into pitch editing a bit as well, starting from scratch. Let me know if you want to discuss. My Discord username is cbrid
  10. DownImp 1 and 2 also affect the spin on the pitch, the closer you get to 0, the less RPM's you get. It doesn't affect gameplay on its own. But my remove any influence of the DifTraj parameter if DownImp is set to 0. Just my guess, but here is a video of a Fastball with DownImp 1 and 2 set to 0. https://streamable.com/ppsya5
  11. So I gotta issue a correction, this roster works in all game modes, I was mistaken on which one I was using. Definitely needs some work on accuracy but is fully functional. I was able to load up franchise and myPlayer modes. What did you make this off of?
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