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  1. headtrip  nice job except   Atl Braves  protrits  on a few is wrong  Ronald Acuna Jr  is Not  a caussain man he  is african american . also William Contreras  is from Puerto Cabello, Venezuela . marcell ozuna protait is wrong he is  not white   i have sent u  the true pics of  theses players. soory i  been a Braves  Fan since they moved to Atl , yes  i live in Georgia. so far   your rooster is  uptodate just the protrits are wrong on some   i wish i knew how to chnage the protriats  as u can see i cnat type  eithe r rofl.  i dont know how to mod  MLB2K12 or i would give it a try. you can go to  here too see the true protraits  of Atl Braves https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=2022+braves+roster&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 ty for   doing   the  2022  season.  if i can chnage the prtraits i would in mine    if u  could let me know  how   ty



    William Contreras.jpg

    Marcell Ozuna.jpg

    Dansby Swanson.jpg

    Travis d'Arnaud.jpg

    1. Ritchie


      Brave4Life  if you check the tools section you can download and install REDITOR II and then change the player options to what you what them to be.

    2. Brave4Life


      oh ok ty    i did not know   i dont know how to mod ,


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