The more I use these rosters the more Im enjoying them...Lineups are a little screwy on some teams like Lindor hitting eighth on the Mets but the ratings are pretty spot on...really enjoying these.
Simply used roster editor to correct the lineups.
Pete Alonzo should be AlonSo though...not a Z as is usually the case.
oh saw these on opening day against my mets and i thought they were so cool. Idk what they actually look like but man...super job. I use your unis on every are one gifted artist. Thanks again!
By the way...thanks for the cdf and iff files...I didn't feel like using the Total Installer Thing download considering Chrome is making it harder to download "questionable" files when most aren't. Too much of a headache to have to disable Windows Defender to download a stupid file where what you did by giving us the CDF and IFF files was SO much easier.
What we ALL need to realize that even when this game came out originally the rosters weren't accurate even a month later, right? WAY too much movement to keep up on all this stuff. So ANYONE that is crazy enough to undertake something like this should be appreciated and not pettily criticized. Sure his early efforts were very basic (which he admitted to as being a work in progress) but I have to say the last version even on rookie settings made the game very interesting and not as easy as it was before.
To start from scratch and do this huge undertaking is HIGHLY appreciated so don't let it get you down when you get criticism...the positive reviews aren't always there because those are the people actually enjoying your roster and playing it so they'll be coming soon. The game is what...10 years old now? It is a TON of work, ESPECIALLY if youre starting from absolute scratch instead of editing things as most people do. I reserved judgement until you said "FINAL" and I have to truly say OUTSTANDING job and thank you VERY much for this undertaking.
That's uncalled was confusing because you labeled the last 3 files "2022a"...that confused me too until I realized the last one must be the first. In your changelogs 1.8.2 was the latest one but how is one to know which of the 2022a's is the latest 1.8.2.
The poster merely asked which file to download or did he have to download ALL of them. Simple question.
By the way...@LouisvilleLipp...the last one in the list that says 2022a instead of 1.8.2 is the one you download...the others are simply his previous works while he was finalizing his roster as stated in his Readme file.
Yeah I know...alot to write instead of just saying "just download the last file" instead of accusing be of being a nuisance on purpose.