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Everything posted by KiwiLifter

    Great job for your first attempt. Also, great instructions.
    Another awesome addition, giving role players their due!
    What a great addition: I enjoy how you add role players as well as stars.
    Great work. Maybe put a more direct preview picture
    This add on to my favorite Total Classics mod is a must have. If you want total immersion, then all these small touches, from the stadium ads, to the field details, to the uniforms are essential. Thank you for sharing!
  1. Version 1.1.0


    1993 was the last year I played and closely followed competitive baseball. I was delighted to find HAWK233391's fantastic mod, as well as the great add on by dennisjames71. I realized that what I wanted was to immerse myself completely in that 1993 world, and that to do this I would need full minor league rosters, and portraits for every player. I made small steps at adding a few players, but finally decided to do the whole thing. There are three files that you'll need. The first is the database with the complete roster for 1993. Every major and minor league team has a full compliment of real players from that season with all of their stats individually edited. I spent well over a hundred hours on Baseball Reference combing over the detailed stats for all these players, and hopefully have created a roster that is relatively accurate. Without question, I will have overlooked things, or gotten lazy when I was tired, so if something seems off, tell me! I may do an update with more free agents and foreign players in the future. To install the roster, I recommend creating a new folder with the 1993 Total Classics mod and the 1993 Update. Then simply unzip my file, copy my "database" file into your 1993 mod "data" folder and replace everything. I am currently working on how to upload my portrait and face files, as they are giving me errors. Thank you to Hawk, Dennis, and especially to Dirtdog. He patiently answered my questions, walked me through uploading the files and, most importantly, spent a great deal of time ensuring that the new players matched up correctly with their face files. Thanks to him, playing this update should be a crash free experience! He will be releasing an update of his own as well. Any feedback, good or bad, is welcome, and I hope that you enjoy the updated 1993 experience!
    This really captures the toughness of the player. Great job.
    I've gone through quite a few of your faces, and they all show great attention to small details, fine lines, that distinguish them. You may not visit the site any more, but thank you anyways!
    I can't believe that no one has rated this yet! That Jose Lima face is outstanding. Well done on this one, and thank you for sharing.
    As usual, a face that not only resembles but captures the player almost exactly. Thank you!
    Thank you for the gift of so many faces. They are especially useful to people such as me, working on older Classical mods. I particularly appreciate how for some players, you've added older and younger versions. Cheers!
    As I was editing the 93 Met's A team, I was really hoping that I could come here and find a face for Benny. Presto: it was here! He is a unique looking player, and it's awesome to have a face for him. Thank you for making and sharing it.
    This is another one of those guys that I can hardly believe was faceless until now. Thanks for changing that!
    I really appreciate having some bearded guys from this era. It's interesting how generations of players go through facial hair fads: mustaches in the 80's, goatees in the 90's, big beards now. Garber was ahead of his time!
    I just had a look at this in the EA Graphics editor: nice job! You blended the skin in really well, and the face stands out perfectly. The game seems to implement these in a flat sort of way, but your model looks perfect to me. Like you, I can't believe that no one had done this before: he was one of the greats. Thank you again, I've added it to my 93 edit. By the way, if you like playing that year, you might be interested in playing the version that I'm working on. I've got a brief write up is in Mod Announcements.
    Thank you for sharing this. I've just added it to my edited version of the 93 Classics mod. The nose shows up a little flat but goodness knows I've had no success in making cyberfaces, so this effort is much appreciated! Finding your faces has been an absolute goldmine, as many stars from that era (Saberhagen) did not have any faces. I'll review them all as I add them. Thank you again, and keep up the good work.
    This is perfect for the 93 Mod that I am editing. Thank you for sharing. We need an iconic face like this!
  2. As an Oregonian, I was very excited to try out this stadium. But, after multiple download attempts, it always turns up as "empty" using various extractors. The Durham and Drillers stadiums have the same issue. Perhaps they need to be reuploaded? If you could find the time to check, I'd really appreciate it, as they look gorgeous in the photos. Thank you
    I'm modifying the 93 classic, which has him as a free agent. Sadly, such a great picture had no face! Thanks to you, I've fixed that
  3. Thank you for sharing this. I couldn't find a face for Bryn Smith, so I used this in a Classic file that I'm modifying.
  4. The author of this post writes really clear, detailed tutorials. This is the second one I have used along with customizing the music, and both have been easy to follow and worked perfectly. Thank you for taking the time to write the above out and for sharing it.
    This is my favorite year in baseball. I was able to watch several Oakland A's games in person as a young fan. I even got to see Bo Jackson hit a home run and make an incredible throw to the plate in a game. Most of the ratings are great on this game, but Bo needs a better throwing strength score The intro movie sets the tone, the custom uniforms look great, and the players are extremely detailed. Thank you to the author for putting in such a tremendous amount of work to create such an atmospheric representation of 1988 baseball, and for sharing it with the rest of us. On a side note, the only trouble that I'm having is that the game is generating pre existing players and 1988 All Stars as free agents, which is a bummer for Dynasty play. If anyone can help me fix this, I'd appreciate it.
  5. It's impressive that the author managed to follow through on such an ambitious project. I've been using it with the 1988 Classics, and while it isn't perfect, it's far better than the original announcers and makes the game seem that little bit more authentic. Thank you for sharing!
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