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Everything posted by theraperito98

  1. 342 downloads

    Here I bring you an update of all the MLB stadiums on this occasion, with giant screens and some new things, without further ado, enjoy!! Instructions: Just copy and paste into the stadium folder located in data/stadium Stadium Los Angels de Anaheim ---> anahday.big or anahnite.big Stadium Rangers Texas ---> arlyday.big or arlynite.big Stadium Arizona DiamondBack ---> bankday.big or banknite.big Stadium Saint Louis Cardenales ---> bushday.big or bushnite.big Stadium Phillies Philadelphia ---> citiday.big or citinite.big Stadium Detroit Tigers ---> comeday.big or comenite.big Stadium Rockies Colorado ---> coorday.big or coornite.big Stadium Los Angeles Dodgers ---> dodgday.big or dodgnite.big Stadium Boston Red Sox ---> fenwday.big or fenwnite.big Stadium Cincinati Reds ---> gabaday.big or gabanite.big Stadium Guardians Clevelands ---> jacoday.big or jaconite.big Stadium Kansa City Royals ---> kaufday.big or kaufnite.big Stadium Minnesota Twins ---> metrdome.big Stadium Milwaukee Brewers ---> millday.big or millnite.big Stadium Houston Astros ---> minuday.big or minunite.big Stadium Athletics Oakland ---> netwday.big or netwnite.big Stadium Orioles de Baltimore ---> orioday.big or orionite.big Stadium San Diego Padres ---> petoday.big or petonite.big Stadium Piratas Pittsburgh ---> pncpday.big or pncpnite.big Stadium Miami Marlins ---> propday.big or propnite.big Stadium Nacionales de Washington ---> rfksday.big or rfsknite.big Stadium Seattle Mariners ---> safeday.big or safenite.big Stadium San Francisco Giants ---> sbcpday.big or sbcpnite.big Stadium New York Mets ---> sheaday.big or sheanite.big Stadium Toronto Blue Jays ---> skydday.big or skydnite.big Stadium Rays Tampa Bay ---> tropdome.big Stadium Atlanta Braves ---> turnday.big or turnnite.big Stadium Chicago White Sox ---> usceday.big or uscenite.big Stadium Chicago Cubs ---> wrigday.big or wrignite.big Stadium New York Yankees ---> yankday.big or yanknite.big
  2. For Example: Ronald Acuña Jr. in your roster face ID is 835 in default roster is 555
  3. In your case they are correct because you have both the database and the models.big, but when you made changes to the ID because we have different models.big there are some faces that do not match, I would recommend that you share them on models.big so that we avoid mistakes.
  4. Solo tiene que pegarlo en la carpeta stadium no hay que instalar nada
  5. Not, only mvp baseball 2005
  6. 596 downloads

    Credits Luis Andres Alfredo Jose
  7. De hecho hice esa actualización en algún mod pero perdí el archivo, en las próximas remodelaciones lo incluiré
  8. I don't understand your question when you say what I base it on. In any case, I specify in the description that the design and structure of it is not my property, I just updated it to the most recent version.
  9. 4292 downloads

    This is an update of some mlb stadiums that I have prepared, the design and structure of each stadium is from their respective owners, I just updated it to the most recent version.
  10. Oh my apologies I didn't know; I will take it into account for my next post
  11. 119 downloads

    NOTE: Copy the files petoday.big y petonite..big in C:\Program File\EA SPORTS\MVP Baseball 2005\data\stadium Good Luck!!
  12. 289 downloads

    I dedicated myself to documenting the different key combinations that can be done to get the most out of the game, either with a PAD (Joystick, control, command) Keyboard 1 or Keyboard 2. At the same time I am attaching the configuration file so that the combination of taking off on the bases and diving headlong works for you, as well as knocking down the catcher and jumping to steal home runs. Enjoy it!! NOTE: Copy file controller.cfg in C:\Users\Documents\MVP Baseball 2005.
  13. Saludos broth, podrias subir los logos de los equipos como aparecen en el calendario
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