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Everything posted by ikz

  1. UPDATE I received the package a week late, and received it with only mvp disc one inside every other game in the bundle was complete expect for mvp baseball 2005, how much more unlucky can you get I can't return the package, contacting the seller for last resort to see if he has it. I hate buying second hand games and never recommend buying unless extreme circumstances like this I don't think im gonna try to purchase a game for awhile, this was a big bummer if someone here has an extra copy, please reach out
  2. Update: I ended up buying a -lot of PC games from a seller on eBay that had MVP Baseball 2005 included, here is the listing https://www.ebay.com/itm/387634765905 im going to resell the other games that it came with, if anyone is interested in purchasing one, please reach out in the DM I will be reaching out with an update if the copy of MVP Baseball 2005 was in working shape and if I get a better experience in comparison to the cracked version
  3. its always been an issue! its come a long way, PCem emulates real hardware to be able to properly process older games that are obsolete, something id recommend before trying to build a retro pc for older windows games
  4. long story short, when you run these patches and try to run the game using virtual disks (not having physical) you get a cd rom error resulting from drm security, regardless of having both disks inserted/loaded or not
  5. i have the game running fine, its just the cracked version of the game is near a 1.00 release, so i get the ball movement lag that was later patched in one of the five patches, im not sure how you wouldnt get that with using the crack getting the cracked version of the game working was never the point of this thread as its clear, more so me trying to get advice/info on getting the physical game
  6. will do, i hope to find a copy soon
  7. hello mvpmods, ive given up on trying to make the cracked version of mvp baseball 2005 work properly (ball lag). im looking to purchase a copy of the game, to my findings, there isn't one copy available online. does anyone on this site have extra copies or have advice on how i can acquire a copy of mvp baseball 05 easier thank you, ken
  8. how you looking, you always want to make backups before using mods, really hate seeing people learn the hard way hope you were able to save your franchise mode
  9. the lag is related to the NO CD crack somehow voids or skips the 5 patches, making it so that its on a close to 1.00 release where you get the lag ball movement where they fixed that in one of the 5 patches. only way to resolve this is by having the legit copy of the game or having a hacker create a new NO CD crack that has the 5 patches implemented correctly. I have been thinking about maybe looking into a service if this may be possible for longevity terms, but I haven't felt just to do it yet I checked this file out, this is a virus, this post needs to removed and user should be banned. VirusTotal File Hash Search: eb465cb02399d043dc73203ab4653c8c9b84c5c05a263ab40c917c60d90cd9d6
  10. Can vouch, Logitech f310 is goated
  11. good stuff
  12. you mind listing a screenshot of your error message and laptop specs? sounds like it crashes as soon as the game technically runs, try changing the graphics api using a graphics wrapper, I used this to get my game running on windows 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS8ckTnQB1A&t=1s https://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/57332-the-mvp-2005-and-windows-10-thread/?do=findComment&comment=709388
    Really good improvement of life mod for MVP Baseball 2005, really good way to start out modding the game and making it extra special. Incredibly easy install
  13. Hello, It's been six months since I've took a crack at getting MVP baseball 2005 to work on my AMD based system I was able to get the game to run, I used a graphics wrapper called dgVoodoo2 that converts old graphics APIs to Direct3D 11 or Direct3D 12. I also made the prior modifications of adding the nocd fix and making the modifications in the registry to avoid any DRM issues. I was able to play the game in 1920x1080, the gameplay was mostly smooth, the ball movement was a bit jittery as well as some other gameplay elements. I can see if certain settings within bgVoodoo or other settings could fix this issue to create a near perfect experience I used bgVoodo version 2.82.3 / x86 install option Current specs: msi b550-a-pro mobo ryzen 9 5950x 6800 xt 64gb ddr4 2800 windows 10 pro x64 recorded gameplay: the video is unlisted I will keep this thread updated if I can find a way to make the gameplay more smooth ikz, UPDATE: It seems there is no way of fixing the jittery ball movement, its related to the NO CD patch messing with the prior patches, if you have the disk, you can implement the patches properly to avoid having issues. If its really annoying you. What you could do is frame cap the game to 30/40FPS, which will cause the jittery movement to stop. For me, I can live with the jittery ball movement, everything else in the game is very smooth. This is awesome, I hope this can help other people out as well
  14. I had that in mind, but there is no way of windows xp working correctly with the hardware on my current pc, or I couldn't figure it out
  15. gave that a shot, ran down to 600x480 it is what it is, ive read people in this thread building or using seperate computers for older games like mvp, im looking into it for the future
  16. I put in a 2nd nvme ssd drive into my main rig and installed windows 10 pro x64 and windows 8.1 x64, was not able to get mvp up and running. I have given up, this could be based on what @seskid mentioned about having an amd gpu and cpu, because I was able to get the game to run on windows 10 with a mid i7 gen processor and nvidia 1060 or 1080 about 5 years ago. But with the rig I currently have, it's just not wanting to work regardless. Best shot on getting it to work not natively would be using PCem or x86, this emulates old CPU's and GPU's works up to windows XP, thing is though, currently the windows xp emulation while running mvp is not up to par and will lag a lot, especially if you don't have a multicore cpu I will have to just live with using psx2 running mvp baseball at 1080p 60, thing is, I would have loved to get the game to work on windows to mods put into the game. It is what it is, I will look for older pc's that may work for these older windows games Yeah I think you're right, I was able to get the game to work on windows 10 about years ago. My hardware I feel like is the problem here
  17. So I tried something out yesterday, I'm still getting a black screen as I boot the game with the error message "Exception processing message 0xc0000005 - Unexpected parameters" this could be related to corrupt system files or basically the system is causing this app to crash. Disregarding the error, I decided to download the game on my work computer, just to see if it did the same behavior, it booted up just fine without any patches (i am running windows 10 x64 22h2 on work pc) . My work computer is a Dell Precision T1700, it is a computer with hardware based on the windows 7 os, so the crash issue on my main rig could be one of two things 1. my OS is fucked up, i tried running the system as bare as possible, but still no joy 2. could be my hardware, just might be not compatible with the game, i remember having issues with assassins creed 1 on pc where i needed to download something called ryzen master, which had a game mode which allowed the game to run. this did not work with mvp unfortunately gonna install a seperate drive on my main rig and install a clean windows 10 pro x64, if that doesnt work, willing to go and try 8.1 then to 7 if necessary. But I feel like ive mitigated the issue pretty good. thank you to the admins and mods on this forum for the help. I will reach back out how my troubleshooting goes
  18. disregard
  19. unfortunately, have not been able to get the game up and running, really disappointed i tried to use virtual box 7.0 with windows 7 pro x64 as well as windows xp x64 & x86 (with service packs installed), kept getting the error message of "need directx9 and hardware accel" tried using virtualbox 6.1x and 5.2x as well as vmware workstation 17.0, same issue (i definitely made sure to install directx9 and hardware accel was on) then decided to go ahead and see if i could get it up and running on an old laptop with an install of windows 7 pro x64 (latitude e5530) i had at work. said the same thing of (directx9 and hardware accel). then went back to seeing if i could get it up and running on my windows 10 machine i get the error message about insert the game into the cd rom, which has been mentioned on this thread. I tried using poweriso, dameon tools lite as well as windows explorer (yes cd2 was inserted), also tried a fix that helped with games like cod2 and 4 where they overwrote the installed .exe with the cd2 .exe, still no joy. tried the secdrv.sys method where you get the file from an old OS, place in system32 drivers folder, sign the driver with program, turned on test mode through command prompt, make sure secdrv in regedit is 2 (also tried 3,4) secdrv was running, still no joy. ive installed the game on different drives, tried the nocd fix, in which a black screen occurs for a second, then goes back into the desktop. tried changing my res to 4:3 ratio, tried using only one monitor, tried all properties settings within the .exe, still no joy the last thing im willing to do is get a separate drive and seeing if i could install windows 8.1 or 7 onto it and seeing if it will run with my current rig. thing is i have pretty modern hardware, and finding drivers is always a risk for malware intrusion since the manufacturer's sites don't provide drivers for older os's. is there any hope of getting this game up and running on my windows 10 pc? im just about to give up specs: msi b550-a-pro mobo ryzen 9 5950x 6700 xt 32gb ddr4 2133 windows 10 pro x64
  20. Gotcha, will try windows 7 first, if issues, will go ahead with xp
  21. so I ran to the conclusion, I can't get mvp baseball 2005 running on windows 10 pro x64. deciding to go ahead a run a vm of an older OS and doing it that way what is the preferred OS to run mvp baseball 2005 on? I'm gonna try windows 7x64 tonight, but if i have issues, ill probably check back here and see what you guys mention, wondering if vista x64 or xp x64 would be better options
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