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Everything posted by LouisvilleLipp

  1. Well...... NBA2K12 is pretty damn good as far as sports games go. Sure, it has bugs as most games, but it's replication and presentation of the NBA is spot on.
  2. I would think last year wasn't a aberation with Verlander. He's been one of baseball's best pitchers for a while now, ya think?
  3. Ok, thx for the headsup.
  4. How do you update the color text file in the editor?
  5. I second the Prince Fielder CF, there was a pretty good one released for 2K11 last year.
  6. Thx for the mod, however I've noticed that the MLBTV logo is missing in the lower left corner of the screen, it was there when I installed DS's MLB experience mod. The default MLB2K12 is there now. No biggie, just wondering what happened to it after I installed your 1.0 version of the accessories pack which says it's included.
  7. Lucky you, finding $20.00 LOL, Thx for the mod.
  8. Which Tiger jerseys do the 84 version replace?
  9. Good job !! Got a question, what is the purpose for the backup files that pop up on my desktop after I change the ID numbers in the editor and d/ld the faces?
  10. What do you mean, removes ball while pitching?
  11. What team is he on? Nothing pulls up on search in the editor.
  12. There's just not enough money to be made selling game on the PC. Madden, NBA-Live, NHL, were all discontinued for the PC. You can't even go to your neighborhood Best Buy and physically purchase the game anymore, you have to order it online. The consoles dominate the market. It's all about the $$ unfortunately. :sad:
  13. There is no editor to use. TyWiggins said he won't be creating a editor this year.
  14. Thanks for these.
  15. Thx for the list. :)
  16. I understand that, but what I'm saying is the DD version of the game is always the last to receive patches. It happened before when I purchased NBA2K10 via DD
  17. Thx, but I guess they didn't get the memo.
  18. The trial period is over for Ty's editor, so I can't update the faces. And Ty is not doing a editor for 2K12 i heard.
  19. Are these updated to today's date? Shows it was first submitted in Jan.
  20. Can someone kindly speak english here??
  21. What jerseys do these overwrite?
  22. Why does each face have the same number, 3489?
  23. Getting a error msg when I try to d/ld the editor. Says it can't write the file.
  24. Ty hasn't been seen around these parts, in a long time. Hopefully he'll still offer the editor, this game would be lost without it.
  25. I talked to a salesman at Best Buy, and he said it would not be offered in store, that you'd have to order it online. Most stores I checked only had the console version, so it looks like DD is the only way we get it for PC.
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