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Status Updates posted by emath2432

  1. I just noticed your birthday is like 10 days before my uncle was born. Lol I'm not trying to say you are old, he is only a few years older than I am, and we are great friends.

  2. Is trying to decided between 52" on a nice TV stand, or 50" hanging on the wall. One goes in game room, and one goes in Living room. Both are somewhat crowded.

    1. emath2432


      Too bad both can't be hung on the wall.

    2. redeck


      Why cant they?

  3. You ratings tools are perfect for me. Even though you are still tweaking them, it is great to have an impartial "decision maker" helping me with my ratings, instead of me doing it... I would like;ly favor the players/teams I like way too much.

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