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Posts posted by emath2432

  1. For those of you that remember from about 2 years ago, this is almost EXACTLY what I was working on. I have not been around in probably about a year, so a lot of you probably don't know me, but I had a thread about this.I based my roster off of the same roster you did, and I also had it in more of a fan favorite type of system, with players playing on multiple teams. I had permission from all of the classic uniform guys of the past, roster makers, total classic team, and all of their mods. I had it probably 80% finished, but got burnt out on it, and moved to The Show on PS3 instead.

    I had/have photos of every player (and not just one pic. If a player is on multiple teams, I had a pic of him with THAT team). It's still saved on my external HDD, but it was pretty disorganized, and even though I had a system set up so I knew what, and where everything was.... That was 2 years ago, and last time I looked, it just looked like a mess of mods and stuff. lol

    I was in the process of creating audio for over 200 players that did not already have audio in the classic mods. I had all of the intro screens, and load screens made. I had current unis, and 3 or 4 (or more depending on the team, and what was available) classic unis installed for each team. I also had a classic stadium installed for every team (unless it was a team that has no classic stadium... Cubs still play in theirs, and teams like Florida, and Colorado, etc, basically have the only stadiums they have ever played in). In the case of the Phillies and A's, they both played in the same stadium (a different points), but they had slightly different configurations over the years. So, instead of using the exact stadium for both, I took the games stock version of Connie Mack (or Shibe, or whatever), and did some basic editing to make it more Athletics based, and used a downloaded version of the stadium that was more from the Phillies era.

    Also, like Johne states in the quote below, I used a players stats from his best season with each individual team to create his ratings, so a guy like Nolan Ryan for the Angels had better stamina, a little higher ability to strike guys out, but also had less control. By the time he played for the Rangers, he didn't pitch as many innings, had less bb/9, and even though he still had high strike out totals, I don't think his k/9 numbers were quite as good (if memory serves). In other words, even though you had the same guy as far as physical looks, his abilities were different on the field.

    Anyway, since I no longer play MVP, I can't say that I have tried this out, but it sounds exactly like what I have always wanted in a roster (with just a few minor differences). Mine wont ever see the light of day at this point, so I commend you on taking up this task, and actually finishing it. I'd offer you any of my work that you would want to add to yours, but I don't come around here often enough to even make an offer like that, since you may not see me here again for 6 months, and you might never get the stuff you ask for. lol

    If anyone even cares to, search around for my thread. I had a bunch of screen shots, and info on what I was working on. Towards the end of the thread, you could see I was getting burnt out, and didn't care to work on it as much, but it'll at least give you an idea of what I was working on.

    Here is a link to my old thread. If it helps anyone with any new ideas, that would be cool:


    Great! This really enhances the game. The only thing I would recommend changing is, for players assigned to more than one team, to use player ratings based on their best season with that team instead of the same ratings for each (e.g., Reggie Jackson's 1980 season with the Yankees, A-Rod's 2007 season with the Yankees, Ray Halladay's 2010 season with the Phillies,Mark McGwire's 1996 season with the A's, etc.)

  2. Kinda surprised I never posted in here.

    - Wrigley (only once, and that is kinda surprising since I am a Cub fan, and live fairly close to Chicago)

    - Old Comiskey (I have seen at least 3 games there in my really young days)

    - New Comiskey (I know, it isn't called that anymore, but it was when I went back the year it opened)

    - Riverfont stadium (I have seen a TON of games there. All Cubs-Reds games, and one full series pretty much every year from 1991 through the year they tore it down)

    - Cinergy Field (I know it is the same as Riverfront, but I added it because they had changed the configuration of the park around the same time they changed the name, for construction of the new park).

    - Great American Ballpark- I went to the 4th game ever played there (and 5th and 6th, lol)... Not including the 2 exhibition games they played Cleveland the year it opened. Went to 2 games, Astros- Reds, in it's second year of existence (along with my annual Cubs- Reds series earlier that season). The only time I have ever been there for a non-Cub game. Also the last games I have ever attended in person, at any stadium. Twice I have had tickets since then, but both times I didn't go to the game.

    I watched quite a few games in Southbend (Coveleski stadium) back when it first opened up, and it was still a White Sox farm team. Have not been since the late 80's/early 90's though.

    Would love to go to see a game in Philly, Pittsburgh, Texas, Baltimore, and maybe Florida when it opens.

  3. Updated to 11-20

    ...Don't feel too bad for former Red Sox manager Terry Francona. He continues to prove that he is no fool because he quickly withdrew his name from consideration for the Cubs managerial job. Stating that he wanted to "re-energize" himself before he took on another job as manager, which was the nice way of saying to everyone there is no chance I am going to manage that team. Are you nuts? It should be pointed out that Francona did not say he needed to re-energize himself when he was in consideration to manage the Champion Cardinals.

    Been so long since I visited the site (or cared much about what was happening in baseball) that I almost forgot my login info. lol

    I actually heard a couple of different times (on TV, so I really have no link) that Francona was quoted as saying the Cubs were his dream job, but that Epstein (or whoever) had not contacted him. I think him "bowing out" was the Cubs way of telling him they didn't want him, and letting him make a statement like that to save face.

  4. Like redeck, I never saw them. I usually just go to the index, and see the recent posts, and like he said, they must have gotten pushed down the way.

    Anyway, I didn't like the bin Laden celebrations. To me, it was to reminiscent of how all of them were dancing in the streets when the twin towers fell. Granted, they were shooting guns and burning our flag, but celebrating deaths by dancing and chanting in the streets just seems horrible to me.

    I didn't like when I saw the video of all of them doing it back then, and I am pretty sure they didn't like seeing us do it now.

  5. Well what I ment was how do I get rid of the other account. I did not create it hoping noone would notice as nor so I could DL multiple times as Ive never dl'd anything. It had been several months could not remember pertinent info so I just reregistered. There was no devious intent.

    Yeah, I wasn't accusing you of anything devious, just telling you my opinion. More or less, just giving you, or anyone else advice for if you run into this issue again.

  6. I may have two accounts. I wasn't trying to be crooked, I could not remember password etc. as it was several months later so I just started a new one. What do I do?

    Well, I can in no way approve or disapprove of you creating a new account, but I can tell you both my opinion, and a suggestion or two.

    First, the suggestions. If it was simply forgetting your password, you could set up your computer to remember your password, or log you in on each visit. This isn't a top secret site, and I doubt there is anything here that would cause you any issue from someone else using your PC later, and having access (unless of course, you are only logging in on public PCs).

    Another is, there is a password reset/retrieval function (or I assume there is, as I have never had to use it here). Either you enter your email address (shouldn't be that hard to remember if it is only several months ago), or possibly answer a question that you chose (once again, I have never had to use the password retrieval, so I have no idea how it is set up, if at all).

    Next, my opinion. You are probably better coming straight out with it and admitting it up front (like you just did) than just creating it, and hoping no one notices.

  7. Heres anouther random thought on a Sunday.

    So im looking up player pictures tonight for portraits for our next TC mod. And Im looking up Napoleon Lajoie. Well my 8 year old daughter walks in, and sees teh screen, theres a Picture and words that say Nap Lajoie.

    My 8 year old says "hey Napoleon Lajoie (correctly, impressive enough) she says " He was inducted to the Hall of Fame in 1937.


    I look it up sure as hell, shes right.

    now I talk baseball with her. lots of stuff. But i dont think i ever said Napoleon Lajoie to her in my life. WTF how does she know THAT?

    lol:unsure: I was gonna get cute and ask her what %of the vote he got, but i was afraid she'd know that to......:facepalm:

    Im NEVER playing trivial Pursuit with this kid.

    Awesome. I wish I had a baseball fan around here, even if it was an 8 year old girl...

  8. but Im glad McGwire has less drama about him, even though he looked pathetic saying im not here to talk about the past. At least he never told anyone he didnt do steriods (that i know of) maybe future generations will go lighter on him....

    Both McGwire and Sosa. I doubt either make the HOF, but neither one really got caught up in all the drama. Sosa 'couldn't speak English', and McGwire didn't want to talk about the past.

    I guess we will see what the future holds.

  9. I just found this little blurb online:

    In 1991, Wiley Publishing released a book called The Baseball Hall of Shame's Warped Record Book. The book, which is aimed at 8-12-year-olds, includes a fascinating story about the Babe:

    The Bambino fell ill one year attempting to inject himself with extract from a sheep's testes. This effort by more than a few athletes of his era to seek the healing and strengthening properties of testosterone prefigured the craze for steroids. When Ruth fell ill from his attempted enhancement, the media was told that Ruth merely had 'a bellyache.'

    EDIT: And this:

    As the sporting industry exploded in the 1920s, athletic trainers and their charges immediately saw the possibilities of using his research. Even the Big Bambino himself, Babe Ruth, injected himself with extract from a sheep's testicles, hoping for increased power at the plate (and in the bedroom). He attempted this only once, and it made him incredibly ill; the Yankees covered the story by telling the press that the Babe just had one of his famous bellyaches. Even though the Yankees tend to celebrate all things Babe Ruth, they have never, to my knowledge, had "Sheep Testicles Day" at the stadium.

    Interesting article

  10. Some one showed me a story once. They typed it up themselves, so there was no link. I have no idea if it was intended to just make a point, or if it were a true story that I had never heard anywhere before... Either way, I always thought it was interesting...

    I wish I remember where this was posted so I could put it word for word:

    The story basically is this. Babe Ruth's personal physician had from other doctors that there was a "fluid" that could be injected into a player that would make him bigger, stronger, and faster than anyone that was not taking it... The fluid was from a goat's testicles. Babe Ruth started taking injections of it.

    You and I both know, that if this is true, that it had probably zero affect on his abilities... Medical science has come so far since the 1920's and 30's... They actually believed it would work... Sure, since it gave him no benefits, he didn't actually cheat... The point is, he tried...

  11. Silva is a tool. He sucks, collects a big pay check for it. Expects to be a lock for a rotation spot and gets mad when he is told he isn't. And, then he starts a fight in the dug out.

    Yup, the Cubs defense sucked behind him, but all those long balls he gave up during that inning didn't help.

    As far as Ramirez goes, I am not to worried about his involvement. He was apparently standing up for a teammate. I am more worried about him staying relatively healthy for once. A lot of people are worried about his numbers from last year (his average and OBP were the only things that really fell), and I was too at first. Then I heard he had a bad thumb last year (especially in the first half), and it effected his ability to grip/swing the bat. I think he will be fine.

    Zambrano... After undergoing anger management he came back, was the perfect citizen, and had the best numbers in baseball over that stretch. That, to me, has earned him one last chance. If he performs anywhere near his true ability (see his numbers from his early 20's, and the end of last year), then i am okay with things. If he sucks it up again, o has a MAJOR blowout (minor stuff happens to a lot of guys, so it has to be another major one for me), then it is time to cut ties with him.

    Congrats on your induction to the WHOF. lol

    The less Boras we have, the better.

    I wouldn't call Vick a hero, but since he seems to have grown up, I actually like the guy now. Didn't before all the dog fighting stuff, and really didn't right after it all happened. He seems sincere now (others may disagree), and I appreciate that fact. As a dog lover myself, he has to be sincere or I want nothing to do with him.

    Like you, I was just fine never having heard of that designer. Sheen is a douche, but he doesn't bother me.

  12. I think Dylan is on to something though. If a spammer had to wait a month to post, they would likely move on. Or, am I just fooling myself?

  13. Hmm, that's crazy. It appears he actually did stop allowing people to register. Can't find a register link anywhere. It's a rather large file, so it's unlikely that anyone would be willing to download it/email it to you either. Sorry.

  14. Ok, I'll bite. Who is the jerk of all jerks? :unsure:

    I get the feeling he was talking about Sheen.

    I read every Sunday, by the way. :)

    You know what is funny about he cell phone comment. I rarely use mine to make/receive a call. I call home on first break every day to talk to the little one (since I only get to see her on Saturday and Sundays). I get on at my break times to check scores (depending on the season, and who is playing that day), and occasionally Facebook...

    In other words, I really don't use it nearly enough to make up for how much we pay each month.... Yet, I feel naked without it. It's almost like a safety net... In case I need it... And I would go batty if someone hid it.

    Now, imagine if it were a teen aged kid who never puts it down. Any homicidal tendencies they may be harboring could come to the surface. lol

  15. @ Hector: That is simply amazing. Congrats on an amazing day.

    I am VERY happy for you.

    @Jim: I heard from some local Amish guy that this year was supposed to be one of the worst winters for snow that we have had in a while. I don't know where he got his info (Farmers Almanac?), but we have had quite a bit of snow around here (Northern Indiana). Luckily for us, the worst has been 20-30 minutes north west of us (closer to Lake Michigan)...

    Now, having said that, as much snow as we have gotten locally, it pales in comparison to how bad you guys got it. Unbelievable. Basically another 2' is what it looks like you are expecting. Hard to imagine.

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