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Posts posted by emath2432

  1. Sadly this is the world we live in now. Everything is supposed to be PC all the time, and if it isn't, someone "smarter" than us makes the decision to change it so that it is PC.

    Hey, don't like someone politics, shoot them in the head, and while you are at it, shoot a bunch of people that are there with her.

    Yup, our world is fucked up, and everybody understands that.. Only problem is, is that it seems no one can agree on how to fix it... And because our world is the way it is, i am sure arguing over how to fix it would lead to someone getting beat up, or shot... :facepalm:

  2. @ Dylan: Pretty sure Dallas Green was also a GM at one point. Not that it's a big deal.

    @Y4L: The Cubs gave up 3 of their top prospects.

    Lee was considered one of their middle infielders of the future (supposed to play SS, while Starlin Castro was expected to move to 2nd), and possible lead off man of the future.

    Archer was our minor league pitcher of the year in '10, and had an amazing season.

    Guyer was our Minor League player of the year, and also had a great season.

    A lot of reports I have read project Archer to be a stud.

    Now, I admit that the Cubs have a way of highly touting their prospects, and none of them are worth a ****, but we have had some solid players come up the past couple of years. Not necessarily super star level guys, but solid Major Leaguers.

  3. Sun, JAN 2

    Carolina at Atlanta

    Pittsburgh at Cleveland

    Minnesota at Detroit

    Oakland at Kansas City

    Miami at New England

    Tampa Bay at New Orleans

    Buffalo at NY Jets

    Cincinnati at Baltimore

    San Diego at Denver

    Chicago at Green Bay

    Tennessee at Indianapolis

    Dallas at Philadelphia

    Arizona at San Francisco

    NY Giants at Washington

    Jacksonville at Houston

    St. Louis at Seattle 17-13= 30

  4. Thu, DEC 23

    Carolina at Pittsburgh

    Sat, DEC 25

    Dallas at Arizona

    Sun, DEC 26

    Detroit at Miami

    New England at Buffalo

    Washington at Jacksonville

    NY Jets at Chicago

    San Francisco at St. Louis

    Tennessee at Kansas City

    Baltimore at Cleveland

    Indianapolis at Oakland

    Houston at Denver

    San Diego at Cincinnati

    NY Giants at Green Bay

    Seattle at Tampa Bay

    Minnesota at Philadelphia

    Mon, DEC 27

    New Orleans at Atlanta 37-33=70

  5. I wont make my picks over there anymore. If you accept these, fine. If not, that's okay too.

    Thu, DEC 16

    San Francisco at San Diego

    Sun, DEC 19

    Kansas City at St. Louis

    Buffalo at Miami

    Cleveland at Cincinnati

    Jacksonville at Indianapolis

    Houston at Tennessee

    Washington at Dallas

    Philadelphia at NY Giants

    Arizona at Carolina

    Detroit at Tampa Bay

    New Orleans at Baltimore

    Atlanta at Seattle

    NY Jets at Pittsburgh

    Denver at Oakland

    Green Bay at New England

    Mon, DEC 20

    Chicago at Minnesota

  6. Is there a way to set it up so identical emails aren't accepted in the first place? I know some sites on the net, if you enter an email that is already associated with an account, it wont let you. I am assuming the answer is no, otherwise someone would have probably done that by now.

    That would cut out on some of them.

  7. That may be, but how does that explain someone creating 3 duplicate accounts in a 45 minute period? I've heard of short term memory loss, but that's ridiculous! :wacko:

    Very true, but then that leads one to believe that RQ's response is the most likely.

    That, or at least in some cases, two roommates, or two brothers living together each sign up for their own account.

    I figure, RQ, and stupidity are the two main culprits though. Also, I am not trying to make excuses for them, I am just throwing out reasons why it may be an issue.

  8. Bring it back here Dylan!!!! ;)

    Now that the site is staying open, it would be better to have it here. I know I personally don't go to mlbmods at all. The PM reminder you sent, I would have never even seen if it weren't for the email I got letting me know it was there.

    I still come here every day though.

  9. Anyone that wants to keep contact, look me up on face book. Search emath2432, and it should pop me up: Eric Mathews.

    I don't add people I don't know, so maybe attach a message with your friend request of your user name from here so I will recognize you.

    Plus I am now a member at The Show Alliance. or you could PM me, and I can give you my email.

  10. The longest I have to travel for Thanksgiving is about 35 minutes. Hearing your story, I am as thankful as ever.

    As far as kids go... Telling them no doesn't do much either. I have an 8 year old that was raised similar to me, and I think I came out okay. She is taught right from wrong, she is punished when she does wrong, and she is told no if she starts to do wrong, or is getting carried away...

    Then she goes to school and learns all the sh** that her bratty little friends do, and comes home and starts acting out. At home, or with her little bratty school friends she is a terror. I guess the one thing that I can be proud of is how she acts when she is not around her friends, or at home with just mommy and daddy.

    I took her with me to my uncle's this weekend. His kids (4 boys) are a handful, and then some. Every 5 minutes one of us is reprimanding them. Their mother (who thankfully is no longer in the picture) was awful. She had all their ears pierced by the time they were like 4 or 5 (which I think covered the 3 oldest), and she bought them all cell phones (once again, I think the oldest was maybe 4) because she thought they could call her any time they wanted. Basically, at the time she only had supervised visitations, and only got to talk to them when my uncle approved, so she tried to circumvent that by buying them cell phones as a "gift".

    She had no job. Stole money for drugs. Was bringing the kids into a home that had animal feces all over the floor, some so old it was all dried up, and crumbled. Trash everywhere. Yes, this lady was a real winner. In fact, her oldest son was happy when they took away her rights. She now has zero rights, and can not talk to, or see the kids. He was abused often enough, and was old enough to see the filth, and abuse, and how it affected his younger brothers. At the age of 8 he flat out told me he "hated that bit**". I tell you all of this so you know how the kids are, because with a parent like that, they are bound to be trouble.

    So, I am there, and they are acting out big time. My little one is an angel. She is polite, doesn't act out. While she did get a little rambunctious at one point playing with that wild pack of boys, she wasn't doing anything worthy of being yelled at. She did get bit at one point, but luckily the youngest (I think he is 4) didn't bite hard enough to break any skin, so I just cleaned it up.

    I guess my point is, that it doesn't matter how you raise your kids in this day and age, because television, and their friends will corrupt them as soon as they leave your house. And at home, she is an absolute brat... But put her around other people (not her school friend) and you can see how much of an angle she can be.

  11. Thu, NOV 25

    New England at Detroit

    New Orleans at Dallas

    Cincinnati at NY Jets

    Sun, NOV 28

    Jacksonville at NY Giants

    Pittsburgh at Buffalo

    Tennessee at Houston

    Green Bay at Atlanta

    Carolina at Cleveland

    Minnesota at Washington

    Kansas City at Seattle

    Miami at Oakland

    Philadelphia at Chicago

    St. Louis at Denver

    Tampa Bay at Baltimore

    San Diego at Indianapolis

    Mon, NOV 29

    San Francisco at Arizona

    17-14= 31

  12. Thu, NOV 18

    Chicago at Miami

    Sun, NOV 21

    Buffalo at Cincinnati

    Arizona at Kansas City

    Green Bay at Minnesota

    Washington at Tennessee

    Cleveland at Jacksonville

    Houston at NY Jets

    Baltimore at Carolina

    Detroit at Dallas

    Oakland at Pittsburgh

    Atlanta at St. Louis

    Tampa Bay at San Francisco

    Seattle at New Orleans

    Indianapolis at New England

    NY Giants at Philadelphia

    Mon, NOV 22

    Denver at San Diego

    35-31= 66

  13. MLB.com hot stove report says Dunn is on the Cubs wish list as well, if he is willing to sign a back loaded contract. A lot of the Cubs big contracts are gone after next year (Ramirez/Fukudome), with Lee's already being off this year.

    We already know the Cubs are gonna suck, so they may as well add a horrible defensive 1st baseman, who can hit a TON of home runs and at at least give us something to be excited about. We caught a bunch of hell for that when Sammy was here, but come on, if we suck, whats the problem with giving us a little something to watch. ;)

  14. Thu, NOV 11

    Baltimore at Atlanta

    Sun, NOV 14

    Detroit at Buffalo

    Cincinnati at Indianapolis

    NY Jets at Cleveland

    Minnesota at Chicago

    Houston at Jacksonville

    Tennessee at Miami

    Carolina at Tampa Bay

    Kansas City at Denver

    St. Louis at San Francisco

    Seattle at Arizona

    Dallas at NY Giants

    New England at Pittsburgh

    Mon, NOV 15

    Philadelphia at Washington


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