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Everything posted by emath2432

  1. Simple fix. Donate $10. Never have to worry about it again. Plus you help keep the site running so you can download rosters next year. :)
  2. I was pretty vocal against it last year, but over the course of time it seems like it isn't such a big deal any more. It isn't like you over charged, and if I remember, people got free updates all year long.
  3. I attached a link to the above post. If anyone has MVP 06, maybe they can rip that sound for you. I have one more file I can try to get you from another site as well. The uniforms are looking good though. It'll be worth it in the end.
  4. Find a good video of a college game, with the "ping" and rip the audio from it. At least it's a start until you could find a better sound. This isn't great, but it's something. aluminum bat.zip
  5. Man, wait til our Cubbies win.... You don't like Boston fans, you're really gonna hate us. lol I mean, according to most fans of other teams on the MLB site, we are already intolerable. I mean, we suck, and we still think our history is probably better than any other teams history, other than the Yankees.
  6. Thank you for the birthday wishes, and kind words. It's greatly appreciated. As far as the mod goes, some of it is very fun, and I can keep on going. Some of it gets old real fast. I want to keep doing the fun stuff, but I know from experience that: A ) If I do all the fun stuff first, then I have to deal with all of the boring stuff at the same time, towards the end, and that ends up meaning cutting corners. B ) There is an order to some of the stuff that needs done, and to really do it right, it helps to do it in that order. Otherwise, you may end up going back and having to redo some things later. And last, at least you know there is a reason for all of the Red Sox/Yankees coverage, and the rivalry... When you have two top notch franchises, with so much great tradition, and so many great players (plus the most money to spend)... Your bound to have them be the most popular teams, and most covered.. Add to that the fact they are both in the same division, and you get the hated rivalry. As much as I don't care much for either team, and get tired of the coverage, you have to appreciate it all.
  7. Thanks for the plug Y4L. I basically took a week off, and did very little during that stretch. I was getting a little burnt out on modding. Felt like playing it more than finishing it. Got back on track last night though. Wife's birthday is today, and mine on Tuesday, so I am not sure how much time I will have to spend on it (especially today). Oh, and you can say bad things about the Red Sox, you just can't be a Yankee fan, and say bad things about the Red Sox. Look at things from the outside, and you will see, it goes both ways though ;)
  8. The easiest way known to man: Defensive Rating Calculator Otherwise, use the tweaks that Stepcropper shared earlier in this thread.
  9. I enjoyed 09 on the PS2, and it's fairly cheap compared to, not only current Gen games, but what you would have paid 5 years ago for the same thing.
  10. Total Classics are great, it's kind of become this games bread and butter, but it's nice to see some other people working on full conversion mods. I mean, we have at least 3 people other than Jim working on something, and I think it's great. One things for sure, and man I outta know, there is a lot of work to putting something together like this. So far, I am loving every minute of mine, but man, some of this stuff can get pretty tedious... Here's hoping you guys keep this sucker going, and make it happen. Sounds like the makings of a great mod.
  11. Maybe I mis-read, but I thought the team stats thing was just going to be for the Freshmen, since you don't have stats for them yet.
  12. Make sure you log in on the home page (bottom left hand corner), and not the forums. Unless something has changed in the past year, logging in on the forums will not let you download anything.
  13. On the pizza part... I learned that the hard way 2 weeks ago... And that was just the NFC/AFC championship weekend. As for Valentines day. We usually keep it simple. Maybe dinner. Maybe some flowers. I have always known my wife isn't huge on Valentines day, but she flat out told me last night that she doesn't like gifts (giving or receiving), and that I don't have to bother this year. Thank God. I feel the same way as you do Y4L, and thankfully, so does my lady.
  14. Works like a dream. Not a big fan of Excel 2007, but oh well. I'll still use open office calc for everything else.
  15. I solved my issues by borrowing a copy of office 2007 from a friend (not entirely legal, I guess), and installing it. I didn't need the entire suite, so I just installed Excel, and once it is finished, I should be good to go ;)
  16. That's the one I have used before. The other one (2.0) I had D/L but never unzipped it, or tried it. Tried them both earlier today though, and both failed. Tried the viewer, but it will not let me do anything but look at it. I used your home run calculator you made that one time, to calculate home run percentages, and it used to work too. Don't have it anymore, so I can't try it, but it was done as an excel spreadsheet too. Just bugs me when I KNOW it worked before. How the heck else did I use it, if I have never had Microsoft Office installed? Oh well, it isn't your problem. I know they work great, I was just either really lucky before, or unlucky now. Thanks for the suggestions.
  17. I know it worked before, because I made some schedules before. I couldn't remember right at first, but found the 3 files from when I first tried it. This really bugs me. Oh well.
  18. Dylan, I have always used Open office instead Microsoft office, and I know this worked for me when you first did it. Now I can't get it to work at all. I keep getting an error. Maybe I am mistaken, but I swear it worked for me before. You have any idea if it should work? Or do you know if what may be causing the issue pictured above?
  19. Every single one of those guys kick *** Y4L, and it's great to see most of them still plugging away, and making great stuff for this wonderful game.
  20. Well, while I am waiting for my copy to come, I cheated a lil bit. I was excited to try it out. I really like it. My only issue is I am not to happy with the rosters (though they aren't bad), and it plays almost TO real. I like more of a arcade style of game (though I new from the description going in that it was more true to life). This was fun though, and I did win my first game 1-0 on a late goal (Actually, I think I may have scored a second goal a minute or so later, but I may be confusing the game I played on PS2 earlier in the day). Hell, the fist game I played, I goofed up on the controller select screen, and never did select one. Ended up watching a period of CPU vs CPU... It was almost like watching the real thing. The graphics are far superior (obviously) to the PS2, and the game play looks real. Anyone that enjoys hockey should probably dig this one out of your closet, or find a copy.
  21. I got a reply today. It is the actual game.
  22. From one of the sellers numerous negative feedbacks. I think that is what this is. Nothing but sleeves... Are you serious? If so, what a loser... EDIT: I canceled my order, and sent an email asking for details. If it is actually a game, I will get it, but if not....
  23. I saw that a few minutes ago. Maybe I am just paranoid, but this made me start to think... If it is brand new, why am I only getting factory sealed sleeves? Where is my box, and my manual? Plus, it doesn't say anywhere, anything about the game discs, just two sleeves, and the key. EDIT: Ahh, I see I am not the only one thinking that... EDIT #2: I went ahead and took the risk for the price, but it seems a little off to me. I can't even find a place to contact them on Amazon...
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