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Everything posted by emath2432

  1. Lucky find. I found one copy in EBAY stores or whatever, but I didn't get it for whatever reason. Honestly, there was a reason, but I can't remember what it was... And this was only about 24 hours ago... Silly Blackhawks lost tonight. I am blaming it on the fact I couldn't find the game televised anywhere, so I didn't watch it. I actually just played NHL 2k10 (on PS2, so it's nothing special, but all I can get for the PS2), and it isn't bad for my style of play. I just lost 2-1 in OT in my first game. Hossa scored in the first couple of minutes, but then I got shut out the rest of the way. Lovin' this Blackhawks team though. If I can find a copy of 04, I am will be giving this a try as well. EDIT: Ahh, a quick search of Ebay, and I remember my reason. The seller listed it as game only (no original case, or instructions as far as I can tell), and lists it as only "acceptable" condition. The 6 negative feed backs received in the past 6 months (with no reply with explanation from the seller) doesn't help either.
  2. Yeah, I have an 08 mod with some of my favorite rock songs, and an all time mod (still unfinished, because I am lazy ) with a bunch of classic baseball songs. Some of the titles run over on the space provided, but that isn't really an issue.
  3. 43 downloads

    This is just broadcast audio for 8 all time Cub greats. Install with Tit Anson, Sandberg, Banks, Alexander, Sutcliffe, Wilson, Santo, and Dawson. Check readme for more installation info.
  4. With all the files being removed from some of the bigger modders, people will now feel less need to come here, and things are only gonna get worse. What a sad day. What's worse is how some of these mods seem to be found only here, and now they are gone. No offense to EAmods, but most of the stuff here is not there, and even if it is, it is a nightmare trying to find it. Mods have little or no descriptions, so even if you see something interesting, you have no idea if it is something you would want... Most of this stuff is gonna be lost forever...
  5. Heck, I kinda feel bad. I donated MONTHS ago (earlier this year), and yet I am already considered in the group that is good to go. I feel bad because I have not donated recently (money has never been tighter in my household, and is about to get worse in the next 6 months if something doesn't give).... I feel like everyone should have to donate who has not done so recently, or has not contributed a mod. I may end up dropping another $10 anyway. Broke or not broke, this site is too important to lose. My last baseball gaming related site is all but dead, and I don't want that to happen here too.
  6. If you are talking MVP 05, and not one of the 07/08 mods, then I would say yes, get the patches. If I am not mistaken though, the latest KG rosters require the use of the 08 mod from EA mods. I also believe that the 08 mod includes the necessary patch updates when you install it. I could be wrong though.
  7. I am not positive, but I am pretty sure I have read on here quite a few times that it is set that way. Either they are already there, or they aren't. Doesn't matter what you do to the unis, if the game has them set up to have them in that uniform slot, they will have them. If that slot does not have them, they won't be there.
  8. Point #1... I care. If he goes to the Vikings, it makes one less team the Bears have to worry about, because he sucks now. Point#2... Coming from a New York fan, I have to laugh... (Though I have to admit, I am about as sick of the Boston teams as I am the New York teams at this point)
  9. Yeah, but what he is saying is that Spencer was that good that year, so he wants him to be that good in, essentially, the season replay.
  10. The toughest part about Audio is figuring out exactly which file it is in. You could probably get audio from someone with MVP 2004, which i believe still has the Montreal Expos, and use that to import.
  11. There is a utility in the tools section called loclook, or lookloc. One of the other. It allows you to change the text within the game. I am pretty sure if you just get it, and read the readme, it'll tell you what you need to know. If not, just ask, and I am sure someone can explain.
  12. Look, I sent you a PM telling you, basically step by step what you needed to do, and your response was to ask me to tell you how to do it step by step. As you can tell, i never responded. I am not sure how much better I can explain it than what I did. There are tutorials, and threads all over this site, and EAMods that i read to learn this stuff. If my explanation wasn't enough, maybe those are. Do some research. They are easy to find. As far as the BMPs, they came with the uniforms you downloaded. You already know that though, since you told me you tried to update them before. There is not much else we can do for you than what we have already told you. One thing I can promise you though, is that no one did all of my stuff for me, and no one will do it for you. Asking us questions is not an issue either, but once they are answered once, what more can we do?
  13. Yeah, this is pretty awesome to have. It's too bad something like this wasn't around a long time ago. Oh well, I just came around a few months back, so I get it pretty early on Dylan, you are the man. Other than stadiums, I can not think of any mods I use more than yours. So simple, yet so useful.
  14. emath2432

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Lol... No issues. I was just at a loss there for a second... :)
  15. emath2432

    1998 Mlb Mod

    Hey Homer, what does that have to do with him wanting a 1998 mod?
  16. EDIT: Never mind, I had this all typed out, but then my girlfriend called me to do something, before I posted it. Then, once I came back to post it, you already had your answer. :)
  17. Yeah, I did this a while back. No one seems to ever have the exact same taste in music, so it is nice to be able to change the songs to something you like. I kept 3 of the songs from 08, and added 6 of my own, changed the names, and I am good to go....
  18. The only two games that will be on PS3, of any realism, are MLB2k, and The Show. MLB MVP is no longer made for any format. Unless you have the PC version of MVP 05, and download the MVP 09 conversion when it comes out.
  19. Awesome. I am sure this is a TON of work, but I promise there will be a lot of people who would love to see this project once complete. I am sure it will be well worth the wait...
  20. You ratings tools are perfect for me. Even though you are still tweaking them, it is great to have an impartial "decision maker" helping me with my ratings, instead of me doing it... I would like;ly favor the players/teams I like way too much.

  21. Ok. I tried entering one of the generic cyber faces listed at the beginning of this thread. It shows that there is no pic. It shows one for all of the others. Is it supposed to show the generic face, or will it say (for some reason) no pic?
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