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Rookie (3/10)

  1. Red Sox are sucking so far. I mean awful.... Thats all for today.
  2. -Thank god baseball is back! -Spring break is about to end, back to real life tomorrow.... This spring break has had some extreme opposites for me. It starts out with my best friends Dad having a massive heart attack and having a quadrupedal bypass. Goes on and then baseball started. Then ends with myself getting a girlfriend. Weird turn of events. My friends Dad is doing really good now too. -Red Sox have had some good flashes and some bad ones so far(bullpen). -MLB.TV is nice but there are some issues with the HD and DVR functions with Windows 7, I mean come on MLB..... I just am using Boxee instead of the MLB.TV site and it's working wonderful, great picture quality and the DVR works! But since I have it I have watched way too much baseball this week. -Finally got some good time in with 2K10. It's good REALLY needs the a patch to make it great. -Got a new processor for one of my computers. A Q9400 for $100 from a guy I live near, it was a steal. -Played some video games, not as much as I imagined though. Got Borderlands for $25 on Steam, it's fun.
  3. I really love reading these. So entertaining! Thanks for being so consistany with them!
  4. Sorry watching the game! ha "Your credit or debit card has been declined for this transaction; PayPal could not validate the card. Please verify that the information you entered is correct, or try a different credit or debit card." I put in the info multiple times to make sure I didn't mistype.
  5. I just used the card last night on Steam. It has $20 left on it, I just checked. Paypal gives me an error when using it.
  6. I had a prepaid MasterCard gift card with some $$$ left on it and Paypal won't let me use it.... I have registered the card because that's what the issue is most the time. I bought other things online with it from Steam. I hope it lets me donate soon so I can talk in the Shoutbox....
  7. Finally time for some baseball!

  8. -I don't want the Saints to win. I am kinda hoping for the Cowboys to make a run. I expect the Colts to win though. -I couldn't believe the Reds signed him. They never even crossed my mind... -I will but The Show 10 and 2k10. From all the previews it sounds like they had much more time to polish this one. Who knows, it will probably be crap. But I got my $20 of fun out of 2k9 once I got sliders I liked. The only thing that was really bad about 2k9 was fielding in my view. Yes fielding is 1/3 of the game but if they can smooth it out I will be happy with 2k10.
  9. ^ Seems like the same thing that is wrong with Beckett....
  10. http://www.sapphiretech.com/us/products/products_overview.php?gpid=227

  11. Can you move in the batter box with this one? If not how can you?
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