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Posts posted by Strawberry18

  1. Shoudln't the Geneva Convention protect us against things such as these camo jerseys?

    I have the greatest respect for the armed forces, but come on, this is just ugly. I get it that the Padres are supposed to have one, but everyone else should just stay away.

    "Suppose to"? Why is that?

  2. What is the value box to the right of the jersey name on the player general tab?

    I have a rouge player I can not get off my team no matter what and he is a double player that shows up on any other team I move him to but stays on my Mets roster. Even tried putting him on the DL.

    He is however, the only player with a number in that box that can not be edited.

  3. The draft placed a pitcher from Houston on my pitching staff. Even when I try to release him it still shows a vacant slot on my roster as middle relief and it counts the empty slot as a player. Can not replace it with another pitcher because it still shows the empty slot. Can not edit on Roster editor either. This sucks and I always hated 2k baseball drafts.

  4. Is anyone losing games due to the auto save no working? I think its due to the switching the date back and forth. I have lost two spring training games. You log off the franchise only to see your record hasn't changed. Nothing pisses me off like playing an entire game than having it poof-disappear. can't wait for this annoying crap to get fixed.

  5. Okay, here we are March 3, 2013 a week into sping training and the game still won't load. So I guess this is not designed to load after the 2012 season? What crap! I hate having to reset my calendar on the pc every time

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