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Posts posted by Strawberry18

  1. Is it possible to add advertisement slots to the stadiums? I tried adding the 2013 All Star game banner to Citi Field on the championship banner dds because it appeared to have room for two more images. I modified the dds successfully and it loaded fine into the stadium iff but the damn thing would not show in the game. I tried the same thing with the retired numbers on left field adding Mike Piazza's #31, with the same results? :facepalm:

  2. Then you need to check your pitching sliders under user pitcher control. I have mine set at 40. RA is 7-4 averaging around 7 K's per game and my Mets are 42-20. I don't see why you can't mod his pitch type in Ty's editor.

  3. im doing uniforms, and have had little trouble with them, but working some stuff in the minors and have into a little issue.

    my the problem is the jersey's are appearing a different darker shade then the pants are, so not sure what going wrong. im doing all same steps and processes i used for the stuff i've done i upload her, so if anyone as an idea why, give a idea why the shade issue is happening

    I ran into the same issue. You have to follow these instructions http://forums.nba-live.com/viewtopic.php?p=1510561#p1510561 , and the problem is solved. However, for regular Major League uni's you just use emboss option.

  4. Guys.....a little help.

    I am trying to make some mods, starting off small.

    I am using GIMP, opened global.iff with NBAmod. All ok. located the ball (265.dds). opened it up in GIMP, make some changes and went to save it....what name do I save it under? I tried 265.DDS and when I went to ExportRes it says "Import DDS is not same as resource, Import continue? Resource: DXT1, 512, 512 Import:_____512, 512???

    any suggestions?

    Do I need to change the save option?

    I new to this....obviously.


    I just started really getting into modding this game I love. Man, it's a lot of work be the rewards are well worth it; when you see your finished product in action, it's pretty exciting. I been really busy, but I am going to share my hard labor with my fellow gamer. So far I have modded stadium ads, uniforms, & bat logos.

  5. what i did was find a uniform that had the pin stripes,, exported it out as a dds then opened in something like gimp i use Photoshop, create new layer fill that with a color you want, then go back to oringal uniform layerr use a magic wand type tool and click anywhere you want taken out, then return to color layer click to cut what you selected selected cut the out. that create a base pin strip you can use for later use, then trim for the belt. now you have template and all do us is repeat the step using your template you just made to the color you want.

    thanks, i will try it. i want to make a Brooklyn Cyclones away uniform, using the old Brooklyn Dodgers for the jersey name.

  6. Okay, the uniform file has two font dds 0 & 2.

    The 2 is the green embos but the 0 has color. How is it that the color can be changed with Ty's editor if the letters already have color on them?

    Same goes for the numbers.

  7. Wow. I have been playing since MVP 05. Had a no hitter and a perfect game both in MVP 08 and ironically both with Johan Santana. Closest I've come in 2k is 7 2/3 by then my heart was pounding; I was so nervous my hands were shaking. Best game was a 18 k one hitter with RA Dickey.

  8. You need a dds editing software like Gimp, Paint.net, Photo Shop. I use Corel to make my vector graphics from scratch or import a downloaded logo. You then export them as png files or paint.net can export into dds. Takes knowledge of pixals sizes and stuff like that.

    best thing to do is export the dds file you want to edit and check the size and see how it's arranged.

  9. how are u saving them as? DXT1, DXT5 with or with out mipmaps etc and which paint program are u using for the ads

    DXT1 with mipmaps. I am using Gimp, Corel Paint, and Paint.net. Don, the dds installs fine, but when I go into the stadium the banners look like vertical lines from far but when zoom in they look fine. I does that whether I convert it to bitmap or leave it as vector.

  10. if u mean the ads, all u gotta do is take note on real clips during games of the placement of ads and what the ads are and then open the game and take note of where 2ks ads are and replace the fake ads with the real ads.But the bad thing is 2k has never been great at having correct placement of ads so most stadiums will not be 100% accurate in game,a modder just has to do the best that he can do

    to find the ads open the stadium iff in the mod tool and scroll down to sequence #12 and then just use the down arrow to scroll thru all the subfiles to find the ads

    I tried that, when i load the stadium i get old ads bleeding through or just fuzzy lines.

  11. Hello Strawberry18 do you no how to make batting gloves and shoes if so can you make Franklin Pro Classic gloves and New Balance shoes and thank you.

    Those are beyond my scope of graphic design. I am just a rookie at the uniforms, hats, & bats. And those are even a pain in the but. I have to use four different programs.

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