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Posts posted by Friedman

  1. Its easy. Anyways, here is a sig i just whipped up:


    Looks real good, man! If I were you, though, I'd blend the O's logo, and use a better font for Bedard's first name. Other than that, great job!

  2. I have a hard time believing that a country which has it's President's approval to perform illegal surveillance on any citizen it pleases - and already has performed such surveillance can still be called "free". Freer than others, sure. But free? Not by a long shot.

    Oh, and is the same country which had slavery still listed as a legal ownership contract not too long ago in relative terms?

    Bah, too early for a political rant.

    There will never be an entirely "free" civilization that will last for a decent amount of years.

  3. A couple things would make this sig dandy:

    COuld you change the background color to the red on the helmet? Also could you make Chipper darker? He looks kind of pale; I think an "Auto Levels" if you use PS would do the trick.

    Here you go:


  4. --I'm still pissed about the crappy game that Randy Johnson pitched yesterday. I never wanted this trade to go through, and I'm pissed that we lost Navarro over this.

    --I hope that Mussina can win 20 games this year. I really do. He has come close many times, but has never been able to win 20.

    --Total Classics *61 is one of the best mods on this site. Mad props to Fuzz and his people for all the great work that they do. I know that if it weren't for TC, I probably wouldn't be playing MVP as much as I do now.

    --As Y4L said, I can't wait until the trading deadline is up. I am crossing my fingers that Cano, Wang, or Melky don't get traded.

    --I just planned out my summer vacation, and I can't wait. I'm going to Cleveland to see the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. To me, this is a lot better than going to the Carribbean, or some crap like that.

  5. ...I've been so busy these past two weeks with work that I have not played one game of Mvp. In fact, I've played zero games in two weeks. I don't like it when work takes over your life like that.

    I second that statement, except for the fact that I'm a teacher, so I can play as many games of MVP as I want during the summer. But once the school year starts, I play maybe 1 game per month.

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