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Posts posted by Friedman

  1. Guest - Since my request got pushed back to the previous page, I though I'd put it here:

    If you could make me a Mariano Rivera sig with the Yankee logo, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

  2. I love your avatars Filthy. I suck at making them. Hey, if you don't mind, can you please make me a quick Jeter avatar with "Derek Jeter" and "Friedman" in the corners, and the Yankee logo in the back like the one you made for FF2009? Thanks a lot!

  3. Can someone please make me a Red Sox sig? I want Big Papi and Schilling with the words "Ultimate Red Sox!" written on it. Thanks a bunch for the help.

    I'll start it now for you.

    EDIT: Here it is:


  4. I guess I'll start it off this week @ 6AM:

    -Damn, adware and spyware sucks. It is really, really annoying. Has anyone here been infected with the ZLOB Trojan? That's one of the most annoying trojans ever. 5 pop-ups every 2 minutes while I'm trying to type something up in Microsoft Word. I read a little about the virus, and it's supposed to be really hard to remove. Neither Norton Antivirus nor Lavasoft Ad-Aware can remove it.

    -I'm still pissed about yesterday's Yankees loss. How the hell do you give up a 7 run lead? And aren't the Yankees supposed to have the best players? They do have the highest payroll.

    -Whatever happened to Def Leppard? I haven't heard much about them recently, until I found out the're playing at Jones Beach. I'm seeing them next Saturday.

    -Speaking of Jones Beach, I'm going to a few concerts this year. I'm seeing Def Leppard, The Allman Brothers, and Roger Waters do a full run-through of Dark Side of the Moon. I can't wait.

    -A couple of days ago, I had to proctor a Spanish final. I caught two kids passing papers to each other. I mean, come on. If you're going to cheat, don't make it that obvious. Or better yet, don't cheat. Get some integrity. Maybe study?

    -Please Joe Torre, STOP BATTING JETER 3RD!!!

    -Anyone read Last Night of the Yankees Dynasty? Pretty interesting.

    -That new game NFL Head Coach is out. Anyone buy it yet? Is it worth buying? I love Madden, and this game seems pretty cool.

  5. Speaking of MVPSavReader would it also be possible to make the players names links

    list this

    here is an example with Griffey JR http://www.mindwarped.com/boxscore/test/bo...es/CIN/CIN3.htm the link is
    <a href="../../Players/Griffey_Jr._Ken.html">

    Nice. With all this modding that everyone's done, starting a dynasty in MVP 05 is just like starting your own independent league with a website, and all.

  6. Parents want to shield their children from all conceivable harm, but for how long and to what extent? Parents need to remember that children do grow up. They cannot expect their children to hold mommy or daddy’s hand forever as they make their way through life. Children and adults do not tiptoe through life, they romp, they run, they jump, and they explore. Given this scenario, parents should accept that scratches, cuts, bruises, and broken limbs are all a part of childhood. Parents who constantly run interference between their children/teen and the real world are actually doing more harm than good.

    As a parent, I agree fully with you on this. As my kids are getting older, and are now in junior high, I try to give them a little more freedom.

    However, what I don't understand is how you, an 18 year old man who is paying his own bills, and who has his own job is getting all this crap from his grandma. If I were you, I'd try to talk to her. Not when she's giving you crap, though. Just wait for a time when she's in a good mood, and you can talk to her.

  7. You know, in every race, you're going to find people who are lazy bums, and others who really work hard. It's unfair to say that all african-americans are bad, because they're not. It just seems that in certain races, there is a large part of people that don't work hard, and who are bad, african-american being one of those.

    Anyway, I respect all african americans that work hard, like bravesj858. I respect everyone of any race who work hard, for that matter. It just seems like there are a lot of African Americans who are bad. It's probably mostly because of this who hip-hop culture thing.

  8. Why the fsck is it that they do this? Why is it that most black males turn out to be drug-dealers and thieves? What makes them do this? Are they the only race that embraces everything other races consider a no-no? Is it because they think it's ok to be hood, broke, violent, uneducated, etc.?

    Now, don't call me a racist or anything like that, because I am a minority also. I'm just sick of seeing blacks complain about how the white man does this etc, how cops harass them, how they can't sell weed, how even with affirmitive action, negro funds, etc., they still can't work for a better future...it annoys me. I'm sick of seeing blacks complain about things like it's expected to be handed to them.

    Seriously, asians, indians, mexicans and every other non-white race came here to this country to be somebody, they lived in the same ghetto and not only did they have to endure the racism of the white man but also black people who didn't want them "in their neighborhoods". I was one of those people. My family were those kinds of people. I never felt and I still don't feel comfortable living in a predominantly black neighborhood, for the sole fact that I'm hispanic and that I don't speak in ebonics, although I do, but I mastered a method called code-switching, in which I speak a certain way amongst my peers, but amongst strangers I keep things professional and avoid slang. I don't feel comfortable knowing that every single time I go out to buy something with the money I worked hard on earning, there's somebody out there that is always jealous of what another person has and instead of working hard to reach that level of whatever it is, they want to steal it because they find it easy. I don't feel comfortable coming outside with something I know I paid alot of money for, and having somebody plot and scheme on taking that away from me. For example, I don't want to settle for a Honda, when I got the money to pay for a Ferrari, just because somebody might want to steal it. That's a blow to my pride, big time.

    I agree 100% with you on that. Most african-americans just don't want to work. Most think that they're they only group that's been discriminated against. You should see how hard immigrants from countries like India and Mexico work. I'm sick of this whole hip-hop culture crap. It's very stupid, and very pointless. And I doubt it will get any better anytime soon.

    I don't dislike all blacks, just the ones that don't want to work.

  9. My thoughts:

    --Bonds is a *****. I have absolutely no respect for that dirty, lying, cheating, semen-guzzlin', scumbag. He deserves 3/4 of the hate mail that he gets.

    --Finally, the Yankees win. Nice game pitched by Chacon, nice job done by the offense. Stinnett's defense looks really good.

    --It's been raining like crazy in New York. It rained all day yesterday, and so far, all day today.

    --If the Yanks play today, go Randy! Come on, pitch a good game. Posada's going to be catching today. It'll be interesting to see how they work together. I always thought that Joe Girardi and Randy Johnson would make a good combo.

    --Anyone ever watched A Haunting on the Discovery Channel? Even though I don't believe in spirits, or any of that stuff, the show scares me like crazy. The Discovery Channel has lots of cool shows.

    --Guns N' Roses will be playing at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City next month. I'm trying to get tickets because my wife really wants to see them. Even though I like GNR, they won't sound anything like they did back in the '80s, because they don't have Slash or Stradlin.

    --Half.com is a great website.

  10. Haven't been to the site in awhile. I've just been sooooooo busy with lots of different things. Anyway, here we go.

    --What the hell is going on with the Yankees? They can't hit on the road. The only games that they have hit well in on the road are the ones against Oakland and Anaheim.

    --**** those MLB umps. They are all dirty, cheating, yankee-hating scumbags. I really wish that they would give the umps the instant replay too, and that more umps would get fired.

    --Guns N' Roses said that they would release their album "Chinese Democracy" in March. When will it come out? I'm getting sick of waiting. But it probably won't sound the same as the classic GNR. Not without Slash. The only remaining member is Axl.

    --Happy Easter everyone!

    --What ever happened to Ringo Starr? I haven't heard much about him lately.

  11. --Finally! I can see some baseball this week. The World Baseball Classic has its first game this Friday. Actually, since I'm on EST, it'll start Thursday night, at 9:30. I believe it's Korea vs. Chinese Taipei. By the way, what's the difference between China and Chinese Taipei?

    --I used to be pretty against the WBC, but now that it's comming up, I'm actually getting pretty exciting. I just hope that there are no big injuries. It would be a disaster if Derek Jeter missed the first half of the season without playing a single spring training or regular season game.

    --The first game the US is playing is against Mexico. I think that Garciaparra will play this one.

    --I hate hospitals. I went to go visit a friend who is staying in the hospital, and has cancer yesterday. It reminded me of the time when my grandmother was in the hospital. It brought back so many bad memories. I hope I won't have to die in a hospital.

    --As a teacher, nothing makes me feel worse than seeing students just not try. I have so many students who are smart, but they just don't put the effort into school. My goal as a teacher is to try to get everyone to put forth 100+% effort, and to get everyone to love learning.

    --MVP 06 for the PC is pretty cool. I love the job that all the modders did. The stadiums are awesome, the rosters are pretty good, and the soundtrack isn't that bad. I just had to tweak the datafile a little bit. The batter walk-up music was turned off, and I wanted to make the crowd a little bit louder.

    --Where is Snepp, and Oly?

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