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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. It's just a small change to the player links. xiberger informed me that MVPSaveReader uses "`" (grave accent) instead of an apostrophe when a player has an apostrophe in their name.
  2. And all 21 posts are in this thread.
  3. Actually, whenever I try to email you, you apparently don't get it. I recently tested the last program I sent you by managing a game. I tried stealing everytime I got on base. Then I ran the program at the end of the game. I also ran the latest version of my boxscore extractor to compare the two. The number of CS was the same for the two versions. Maybe you are looking at the wrong column or something.
  4. Isn't the number the season total for the player? I show the game totals in the fielding table.
  5. Sorry. I don't get what you're saying. Are you saying that you want the season total for errors to be shown?
  6. What version of the .net framework do you have? I haven't seen that error. Usually it just says that the application is configured incorrectly. install the .NET Framework from http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?name=Down...details&id=3262
  7. Yeah, I still need to go back and fix it for the long games.
  8. the .css file should not go in the same folder as your htm file. instead of
  9. That wouldn't be accurate though. It is possible to have an IBB with any number of pitches. If the count is 3-2, and you choose to intentionally walk the batter, it gets recorded as an IBB.
  10. The entire linescore is in the .csv file, so it wouldn't be that hard to do. Does anyone else have any feelings one way or the other on this?
  11. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?name=Down...details&id=2338
  12. I just tried sending to your gmail account. But It was returned to me.
  13. You need a new email address or something. I sent a file to your wellpoint address a couple of days ago.
  14. Wow. That was a really long game. There's not much I can do. It would probably be a good idea for you to run the program everytime you get to extra innings. :)
  15. I think that when the program crashes, it leaves off some of the html. Like my donation link, and some other little stuff. All of the data should be the same between the two versions. I think that you should be able to piece it together yourself. If you have a game log from the middle of the game, and one from the end of the game, it should be pretty easy. For the game log from the end of the game, divide it into a three parts. Part 2 is the part that matches up batter for batter, result for result, with the first game log. Part 3 is all of the game log that comes after Part 2. Part 1 is what is before Part 2. Reconstruct the Game log by taking the first x entries from the first game log, where x = the number of entries in Part 1 of the final game log. Then put all of Part 2 in the game log. Then put all of Part 3 in the game log. Then put all of Part 1 in the game log. You will also have to make some adjustments to the number of hits and there isn't really any way to get the correct pitch counts.
  16. It was just a quick fix so that the program shouldn't crash when you run it after long games.
  17. Did you use v1.00 or v1.01 of the program? With v1.01, I think, it shouldn't have crashed.
  18. It didn't crash though, did it? I'm still working on the .dat importer and exporter. I'll get back to the boxscore extractor eventually, and make the game log (and pitch count) work better for long games. By the way, what is in the screenshots?
  19. The team records start over in the playoffs. So if was your first game of the playoffs, it would get named XXX1.htm, where XXX is your team's initials.
  20. I need to do some work on it so that it works better for long games (Over 100 entries in the at-bat history). I'm working on my .dat importer and exporter right now, so I won't start working on it immediately. I do have that on my list of things to do, though.
  21. Do you really need to have the box scores for every team? If you really have to have it, here is what you can do: At the beginning of the day, go to the schedule, click on the current day on the calendar, and then do view day's games. Make a list of all of the games on there. The games are played in that order. So, use the team changer so that you control one of the teams for the first game on the list. After that game is finished, run the box score extractor. Then run the team changer to give you control of the next team on the list. Repeat until you're done with all of the day's games.
  22. You need to upload the appropriate .css files to your website. all.css for kraw's layout boxscore.css for neojonas's layout boxscorex.css for neojonas's exhibition layout You can put them all on your website with out any problems.
  23. You need to run the program before you get back to the dynasty menu. The best time to run the program is when you're at this screen:
  24. There are several sites that offer free websites. geocities.yahoo.com and tripod.com, are two that I can think of.
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