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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. What is that supposed to mean? directory = where you have the boxscore extractor program. directoryimageslogos is where the logos should be directorySTL is where the boxscores for the Saint Louis Cardinals are created If you move the files around, you need to either keep the same relative location, or manually edit the htm files so that it looks in the correct place. If you do not have any files in the imageslogos directory, download the latest version of the program.
  2. Thanks to whoever put the screenshot up on the box score extractor download page. And also thanks for making it a featured download.
  3. I think I fixed the problem, but I'm not sure, as I haven't seen the error for myself. I think the problem was that I didn't make the at-bat history stop loading after the 100th entry. I updated the download.
  4. Okay. Sorry about that. At least I got it right in the program. I'll update it in a minute.
  5. It's actually the beginning of where the name "attrib.dat" is stored in memory. I just add or subtract from that location to get the starting points for the other parts of the memory.
  6. Oh, yeah. I forgot about the temp file. It was a little shortcut I took so that you could choose between the two layouts. Nothing ever gets read or written to that file. If you delete it, the program will create a new one the next time you run the program. The numbers in the file is the memory location that I search for. When the program searches the memory it outputs the correct memory address to the savedaddress file. The next time you run the program it reads that file and checks that memory location first. If it's the correct location, it doesn't need to search for the correct location. If it's not the correct location it does the search like normal. So basically it makes it so that you don't have to wait for it to search everytime.
  7. Pitch count and the game log won't work in simmed or managed games.
  8. There were a few minor updates. I removed the extra set of parentheses for the fielder's positions if they didn't bat. I made it so that the pitcher's record in kraw's layout would be on the same line as the pitcher's name if there was enough room. Also in the extra stats in kraw's layout, I made it so that there wouldn't be a linebreak between a players name and their stats.
  9. I believe the team's total payroll is set when you begin your dynasty. I think it's something like 110% of the total salary of all of your players. You can change the team's total payroll (during a season) with my .dat exporter and importer though.
  10. The final version is now in the downloads section. Thanks to all that contributed in any way. MarkB, can this thread get moved to the MVP Announcements Forum?
  11. You don't want to. IF you had renamed it, I would have told you to change it back. It needs to be mvp2005.exe I can't think of any other reason the window would close automatically, unless the game wasn't running.
  12. I'm working on a readme for the final version. Did you rename your mvp2005.exe ?
  13. I probably should do that :lol:
  14. you need .NET Framework 2.0 Get it from microsoft.com/downloads
  15. Thanks. I didn't mean to put two sets of parenthesis. This has been fixed.
  16. I did some testing on this and I think I came up with a better solution. If there's room it should put the decision next to the pitcher's name. If there's not enough room, it will put it beneath the pitcher's name.
  17. Here's the latest build. Here's what has changed since yesterday's build. 1. I added pinchrunners to the csv file. 2. Runs, SB, CS totals should now be correct. 3. For the fielding stats, I now output the first 9 (except for the pitcher/DH) batters for a team. Then I output all of the pitchers. Then I output anybody that has a TC. 4. Fielder's position should now be the same as in the batting stats. If a player hasn't batted, I get their primary position from their attributes and put it in parentheses. 5. In yesterday's build, I actually just took a TC away from anybody that didn't start the game. I meant to take a PO away also. This has been fixed. 6. I noticed a bug if you choose exhibition game. It would cause some of the home team players to have a .000 for their batting average. This has now been fixed. 7. I added Team Batting Average for the game, Team F% for the game, and Team ERA for the game to the total lines in Kraw's layout. Test this out and let me know if you have any problems. I intend to have a final release within the next couple of days, so I won't be adding in much more.
  18. I can do this for the fielding stats: Output the first nine batters(except for the DH/pitcher) first. Then do the pitchers. Then anyone else that has an error, assist, or putout.
  19. Yeah that's what I did. For players that were defensive substitutions with no plate appearances, that is the best I can do. If the player did bat, I can get their position from the list of batters though. There's no way I can list the players who played in the field without any total chances. (There's no way to tell whether or not a player played in the field). Kraw didn't have those in his sample boxscore, so I didn't put them in. I can put them in if you like.
  20. For whatever reason, the game messed up with Iguchi's first time at bat. If you look in the bottom of the 1st inning in your game log, you will see that it says he didn't finish the plate appearance. In the game, if you looked at your at-bat history for Iguchi, for his first at-bat it would say "Runner 3rd Out". So it didn't add him to the list of batters until the second time he came up to bat. I don't know what you mean by B.Anderson was the last at bat. From the look of your game log, Paul Konerko hit a walk-off homerun to end the game.
  21. They're just added to the bottom of the list(regardless of who they pinch ran for). I can indent them if you guys like, but it shouldn't be the same type of indent as for pinch hitters.
  22. Yeah, you're right. I forgot to add the pinchrunner's totals to the totals line. Thanks for noticing this.
  23. Okay. I found the error here. I reached a limitation on the number of for loops you can have in a program(a bug in my compiler). So I converted some of the "for loops" into "while loops". But, I forgot to reset the index to 0 before I did the players for the away CS section. So this has been fixed. I also checked if I made any other mistakes when I converted the loops, but I didn't see any.
  24. Maybe you mistakenly thought he singled, when he was actually intentionally walked. That, or he singled, but the game recorded it as an intentional walk. The First two innings had to have been overwritten.
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