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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. I use firefox and it looks bad when looking at his webpage. But after I downloaded the webpage and make it use kraw's all.css, it looks fine.
  2. Did you do something to your all.css file? I downloaded your page and made it so that it uses the all.css file that kraw provided, and it looks fine.
  3. Hmm. I don't know what your problem could be. Can you download the attached files from anyone else in this thread? I put a link to the latest build on my website for you.
  4. This is the latest build. I believe I fixed the away pitch count. I also fixed the home AVG, ERA, F% for exhibition games. I also fixed the extra line after Batting if there are no doubles, and after Baserunning if there are no SB. I also fixed it so it alternates between oddrow and evenrow in the gamelog in kraw's layout. Let me know if you have any problems
  5. I think I fixed it. I was (accidentally) reading from the away batters at bat history when I was figuring the away pitchcount. So you could get an index out of range error because of this.
  6. Actually, I just forgot to output a comma after the pitch count in some cases. That is the wrong pitchcount (55) followed by the ERA. I fixed your nitpick. I also fixed it for Batting if you don't have any doubles. Pitching was already correct. Thanks for these as well.
  7. Thanks for these. I guess I forgot to change the AVG, ERA, F% for the home team for exhibition games.
  8. I see what you're saying. But I don't think there is much I can do about it. The batting order and pinch hitters information that I get is just a list of playerids and their defensive position. So, I have to group them by defensive position. If I could group them by spot in the order, I would.
  9. Here is a new build. The last one I had a "<" instead of ">" for the away teams game log. I also added HBP and IBB for batters to kraw's layout. I also changed the pitch count. I now output the pitchcount in less than ideal situations. Let me know how if you get any errors.
  10. Here is the latest build. Please test out the game log. I think I fixed it, but I'm not completely sure. I changed the title on kraw's page, and the MVP Scoreboard line. If it is an exhibition game, I put the current date (real). If it's not an exhibition game, I put the filename. Later I will put the game date here instead. I put in a game heading. I tried to do the flash version that was in kraw's layout, but I couldn't get it to work. This was in the yesterday's version, but I didn't mention it: If you choose kraw's layout, and choose 'x' for an exhibition game, then the season stats don't show up. I will try to do this for neojonas's layout also.
  11. I just fixed it so that it won't wrap. I guess I forgot to do HBP and IBB for batters. I'll get to this within the next couple of days. That's odd about the pitchcounts. It shouldn't be possible.
  12. Before I decided not to do that block of code, I saved two copies of your boxscore. One had that block of code, the other didn't. The only difference I saw was that the one with the block of code removed had the linescore moved up slightly. EDIT: I just tested it again in Internet Explorer, and now I see the game title. I was viewing your page in Firefox and never saw the game title. Okay, I'll get rid of that. Yes, I was aware of both of these. I will change them today. For the date, is everyone okay with the current date for exhibition games, and the game date for dynasty games? I will try to do this. Good idea.
  13. Here is the latest build. This also includes the all.css file for kraw's layout, and the boxscore.css file for neojonas's layout.
  14. MarkB, I just realized (again) that I really can't do errors in the inning summary. The only errors that I could count are when a player reaches base on an error. I can't do an accurate error count, so there is no point in including them.
  15. I can do that. I'll fix that. I don't think I'll do this. I would have to find it in memory to be able to do this. Why would you need "XH" ? The X option lets you choose the filename. The H option just uses the hometeaminitials and the gamenumber for the hometeam as the filename, and makes the links go to the correct filename. I was thinking of adding an additional option. The new option would allow you to choose the filename, as well as the filenames for the previous and the next links. Would you be interested in this? I wasn't planning on having links optional, but I guess I could. I don't think I can show this. If you just use a player as a pinch runner, they don't show up in the list of batters, so there is no way to determine who they pinch ran for. I don't think I'll remove it from the the batting section. But, I could do the rest. (right now they are in order by roster spot) I can add errors to the half-inning linescores. I did the html for the game log, because I forgot to ask neojonas to do it earlier. See if you like how the game log is in neojonas's updated layout: http://www.microtracesolutions.com/boxscore/boxscore.htm I think I responded to all of those. I will probably release another latestbuild before I go to bed. I will not implement any of your suggestions yet, (except for fixing the bottom half of the 9th inning thing) Kraw's layout is nearly complete.
  16. Would you want that in the game log in the inning summary?
  17. I can't currently do the pitches-strikes. I didn't find the information on each individual pitch.
  18. MarkB attached the minor league logos to one of his posts, several pages back. The MLB logos you can get from my website. (link in my signature) I will include all of the logos in the final version.
  19. I still need to do the extra stats beneath the pitching table. Then I need to do the home team (which will be a copy and paste job, with a little renaming), and then the game log. Then I need to add in the option to choose between the layouts.
  20. If you're in the middle of the 2005 season, and then ran the schedule updater, the 2005 stats would be the real 2005 stats plus the stats from the 2005 season up to the point you ran the schedule updater. Then the 2006 stats would be for the remainder of the season.
  21. This shows what I've done so far on kraw's layout.
  22. I think you're right. If you use my schedule updater program after you start a dynasty, then MVPSaveReader should work.
  23. I wonder if he's in the mood for sharing. We don't want you to become a mass-murderer.
  24. Yeah. He's the owner of mvpleague.net .
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