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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. Do you like the layout that krawhitam made?(based on ESPN.com's boxscores) http://www.mindwarped.com/boxscore/ In the next version of my program, you will get to choose from the current html file, and one based on the above link.
  2. Thanks for that. I haven't seen a blown save yet. I just fixed it in my code.
  3. No one's mentioned this, but I need to fix the Positions in the boxscore for when there is a pinch hitter. If you pinch hit for a pitcher, the pinch hitter's position will be "P". I'm not sure what happens if you do a double switch. I'll have to test it out. Also, I meant to indent the pinch hitters by three spaces. I put in " " in the html, but i forgot that in html you need to use " " for three spaces.
  4. For those of you that don't realize that you can do a lot by modifying the boxscore.css file, look at this picture. I just made a few changes to the boxscore.css file. I attached it also if anybody wants it.
  5. The total number of plate appearances in the game log didn't match the sum of the total batters faced for all pitchers that pitched in the game. In pip07's case (read the last page or two) it was caused by a team's final plate appearance not being recorded by the game in the game log. So the game probably failed to record one of the plate appearances in your game the game log. In the next version, I will be a little more lenient when it comes to outputing the game log. (Basically what I did was assume that the only time the game log would be incomplete would be when you sim or manage an at-bat. But the game also seems to occasionally forget to record an at-bat in the game log )
  6. Yeah, I can check if the file already exists and then ask if you want to replace it. I was also thinking of adding an 'X' option for exhibition games.
  7. Well, I can't make a CON folder, so I guess I'll go with what you did for the image and name it "CD". I'll have to do an if statement like you said.
  8. Well, it wouldn't show up if you simmed or managed the at-bat. But other than that I don't know why it wouldn't show up. I guess it was just bad luck.
  9. Here's what I found: For the top of the 9th inning: Aramis Ramirez homered. Michael Barrett singled. Todd Walker doubled. Matt Murton grounded out. Ronny Cedeno was intentionally walked. John Mabry flied out. It doesn't show Juan Pierre coming up to bat for the fifth time. The box score shows him getting a PA and an AB though. That's why the pitch count was 0 for all of the Cardinals pitchers. I only do the pitch counts if the number of batters faced is equal to the opponent's plate appearances in the game log. What I can do is enable the game log even if there are some missing at-bats.
  10. I got the file. Can you send me your boxscore also?
  11. Thanks. I hadn't noticed that before. It works right when there is a save.
  12. Well, we could get something to use in the meantime. (Like last year's logos) Did you realize that in the team.dat files the Connecticut Defenders are still the Norwich Navigators with abbreviation NOW ?
  13. Cool. Thanks MarkB. Can someone get the logos for the All-Star teams as well?
  14. Do you mean for the logos or for the boxscores?
  15. I'm using the ones from the game. They're in the team.dat file. I get the two or three letter intials from the memory. So if you edited the abbreviation for the Angels from ANA to LAA, my program would make the html file look for LAA.gif. It would also name the boxscore LAAxxx.htm It would be easier on me if they were all in the same folder. Columbus Clippers = CLS Colorado Rockies = COL tebjr is right about the portland teams initials. Edit: I guess I was too slow. :)
  16. Yeah. Get all the logos you can. I'm getting the same error when I rename the file to "CON.gif". Strange. I just found this on google: http://blog.jasonnussbaum.com/?p=138
  17. Sometimes the game doesn't make the correct decision about the result of the at bat. So the game scored the play wrong. It must not have counted as a batter faced for the pitcher. And the batter might not have gotten credit for it either. In the at-bat history it would show runner 3rd out. Not really much I can do about that except change what it outputs from: "did not complete plate appearance (runner was the 3rd out)" to "did not complete plate appearance" or something like that
  18. He took the easy way out. It certainly makes it less complicated for me.
  19. What happens if two players have the same name?
  20. Yeah, that would be easy enough. Are spaces in the name the only thing that I have to be careful about?
  21. Yeah. I would have to turn the scoring summary into the game log.
  22. I don't think I'll do the league leaders and the standings. If you want those, you could always use the MVPSavReader.
  23. If everyone is okay with this layout, I'll get it started on it in a couple of days.
  24. If anyone gets the error with the game log not working even though you played the whole game. Please run the attached version of the program. It is exactly the same as v0.13 except it outputs part of the memory into a file name "test.dat". Then send me the test.dat file.
  25. You need to install .NET Framework 2.0 Get it from microsoft.com/downloads
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