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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. I'm willing to output one more file for those of you that aren't satisfied with the current files. But someone will have to come up with the layout for it.
  2. I wasn't aware that you could play 3 inning games. I think I can come up with a fix for that.
  3. Small change from v0.12. Pinch hitter's names wouldn't get indented with v0.12. This fixes that.
  4. Okay. Here is the latest version. Things that changed. 1. Now I output a htm file. (Thanks to neojonas) -- added 2. fielder's choice text in the game log was changed to "hit into a fielder's choice" -- fixed 3. Now when you pick which team, I create a directory for that team's boxscores. -- Changed (If you pick the Toronto Blue Jays when the program asks you to pick a team, a folder named "TOR" will be created. Inside this folder, a TORxxx.htm file will be created. Also, a "textboxscores" folder will be created (inside the TOR folder) with a TORxxx.csv file inside.) Sorry if it sounds complicated. 4. There are probably some more that I can't think of. Get the logos for the 30 MLB teams from my website. Put the logos folder inside your images folder. (images folder only has top.jpg inside) EDIT: version 0.12 removed.
  5. I'm pretty much done with the next version. I would have released it this morning, but my internet connection wasn't working. But now, I'm going to spend a little more time on it.
  6. I could put the season totals in the game-log, but I could only do it for singles, doubles, triples, homeruns. I can't output where the runners advance to. The game just doesn't keep that information. I thought the game would have scored that as a ground out. I'll change the text for fielder's choice to: "hit into a fielder's choice." The game doesn't keep the information about who got the player out. Good. Yeah, it's pretty much just for archival purposes. And for the html version, since the boxscores will be linked.
  7. So, nobody is having any problems with it? I'm going to start on outputting the html file now. I'm glad you all like it.
  8. I think I'm done with the text only version. I fixed a few errors and added some stuff. 1. Extra innings would cause the home team's linescore to repeat some innings. -- Fixed 2. The program now will now not crash if you run it before 9 players have come to bat for each team. -- Fixed 3. I forgot to output the HR's that a pitcher gave up. -- Fixed 4. Totals are now outputted for each category -- Added 5. Pitchers records are now displayed next to their name in the pitcher's stats -- Added 6. The program now exports to textboxscores folder. -- Added 7. The program now asks you if you want to name the boxscore for the home team or the visiting team -- Added 8. There are probably some more that I'm forgetting. Example of #7. If the Kansas City Royals are playing at home against the Detroit Tigers. Lets say Kansas City has played 50 games and Detroit has played 49. If you press 'h' or 'H' when the program asks you, The file will be named: "KC51.csv" If instead you pressed any other key, The file will be named: "DET50.csv" EDIT: version 0.11 removed
  9. You're welcome Trues. You too DetFan.
  10. You need .NET Framework 2.0 get it from microsoft.com/downloads
  11. I should have it finished within a day or two. I attached the latest build of the program. Let me know if you have any problems with it. What I still have to do for the text file: Game totals for batting, fielding, pitching Inning summarys in the game log name the boxscore based on the team and the game # Then I need to do the html file. neojonas has written the boxscore html for me. I think it looks great. Here's the address for it: http://www.microtracesolutions.com/boxscore/boxscore.htm EDIT: version 0.10 removed
  12. The fielding stats and pitching stats are now done. I attached the file that was created by the latest build of my boxscore extractor.
  13. I'm making progress. So far I have the linescore and the batting stats done(for the text file). I should have the fielding and pitching stats done in a couple of hours.
  14. Actually, last night I found out that I can't do the game log for simmed games. I'm not sure about managed games. The box scores will work for played, managed, and simmed games.(Not quick simmed) I will start writing the program tonight. I didn't get much accomplished over the weekend.
  15. As long as you can view the box scores from within the game, it should work.
  16. Okay, thanks. My original idea was to just to do an expanded box score, without the gamelog. Now that I have found the information for the gamelog, it won't be very hard to include that as well.
  17. Well, as I said before, the number of pitches thrown to each batter is included in the "at-bat" information. So it won't take much extra effort to get that information if I'm doing the gamelog.
  18. Could you explain this a little better? I don't get what you're saying.
  19. I have some good news and some bad news. Good news: I found the "at-bat" information. (anytime a batter comes up to the plate it is an "at-bat". So if a runner is caught stealing to end the 7th inning, and the batter didn't strike out, the batter would have an "at-bat" in the 7th inning, and another in the 8th inning) Bad news: It only contains whether it is the top half or bottom half of the inning, the batter's playerid, the number of pitches thrown to the batter, and the result(strikeout, groundout, flyout, HR, etc.) So, I can probably get the number of pitches thrown by each pitcher (I haven't tested what happens when you change pitchers or hitters in the middle of an "at-bat". Hopefully it creates a new entry.) Also, I can make a game log, but it wouldn't be as detailed as high heat's game log. I still haven't started coding yet. I will probably do a little more research before I start.
  20. I've been thinking about that, but I haven't found the pitch by pitch information yet. That stuff isn't really part of the boxscore. Once I find this information, I might be able to make a game log. Someone already posted a High Heat boxscore on here, so you don't need to do that.
  21. I'm using WinHex. It's a hex editor that also allows you to view/edit a program's memory.
  22. Which sabermetric stats? And could you post the formulas for the stats you want? My program will read from the game's memory. I will then load the stats into arrays. Then the program will create a new html file and output the stats where appropriate.
  23. Well, I didn't get any coding done last night. But I found the linescore, the current inning, number of outs, and whether it is the top half or bottom half of the inning. (These took a while to figure out) I also found the locations for all of the stats. I didn't find the pitchcount yet. Also I would like to find the current game date. So tonight, I'll do a little searching for the game date and the pitchcount. Then I'll start coding. I noticed a couple of interesting things last night. 1. The game lets you switch stadiums anytime you want.(You can even set the wind speed and direction) So you could cheat if you wanted to. 2. I cheated (for testing purposes) and changed the number of runs scored in one inning from a 1 to a 7. I was losing 5-1 . I ended up winning 7-5, but no pitcher got credit for the win. The opposing pitcher got the loss, and my closer got the save. What derived stats to you guys want? Do you want OBP, SLG, OPS, etc. for batters? Do you want WHIP, BAA(Batting average against), etc. for pitchers?
  24. I will start working on this tonight.
  25. Would anyone like to help me out by writing the html for the expanded box score?
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