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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. Here's a partial list of injuries: Edit: see below
  2. version 0.26 done. Click my signature, then click the download link. changes: Injury type is now viewable/saveable in the editor. For the time being it's a number from 0 to 16383. You can once again see the people that are in slots 3808-4050. (you could see them in version 0.10) 2K's latest official roster has some players in these slots. Previously, I thought these slots were possibly used for bullpen catchers and ballboys. I had to do some minor reworking of the names editing. I wasn't reading/writing jersey names for players in slots 3808 - 4050 because in the original roster they all had 00 00 00 00 for the link to their jersey name. Now, some have 00 00 00 00 and some are linked to a name.
  3. If you edit names in the new roster, the jersey names for the new players will get messed up. I'll have a new version out soon.
  4. I'm working on it. The new players were added in the spots that I thought were used for bullpen catchers and batboys.
  5. Did you redownload it? If so, maybe they fixed it.
  6. hmm. I just downloaded the latest official roster from 2Kshare, and I don't get an error when I edit a player's name with my editor
  7. I'll look into it. Did you get this error the first time you changed a name with the new roster? Were you using version 0.25 of the Roster Editor?
  8. Good news. I managed to give a player a fake injury and put him on the DL with my editor. And the game didn't crash when it was time for him to come off the DL.
  9. I'm working on it. I simmed in a franchise until a player had a minor injury (less than 15 days). I saved it, and put him on the DL with my program, and also fixed the lineups. I loaded this in the game and simmed long enough for his DL time to be up. The game didn't crash when he came off the DL. I tried the same thing with a player that wasn't injured, and it crashed when his DL time was up.
  10. version 0.25 is done. Click my signature, then click the link to the download page. fixed a problem with Throwing Accuracy in 0.23 and 0.24. The editor could save it fine, but it wouldn't load the current value into the Throwing Accuracy box. fixed a problem for a couple of players that had a bad batting stance id. (Henry Blanco and Chester Chico both had 6701 for their batting stance id) In the in-game editor, this would show up as Custom without giving the options to customize. With 0.23 and 0.24 the bad batting stance id would cause an error. Now if I find an id that doesn't match one of the legal ones, I change it to custom. There were no problems with pitchers deliveries with the roster I tested, but I did the same for that.
  11. In the save file that you edited, was it already in the first inning of the game?
  12. Thank you. I just confirmed this. It's on version .23 and .24. It is writing the value correctly, but I forgot to read the value. So if you've edited a player without changing the Throwing Accuracy, it will get set to whatever the throwing accuracy is in the editor. I'll have a new version out soon that fixes this.
  13. Have you found a backup that works? If you want to reverse the portrait renumbering, replace your updatelist.txt with this one: http://tywiggins.mlbmods.com/downloads/temp/updatelist.txt And do the "Import List" function again.
  14. Did you use the "Import List" function in the editor? This changes all of the portrait numbers to a different numbering system. This is only required if you're using the new portraits from mlbmods.com I have no idea why you're getting a crash after the first inning. If you want to load one of the backup files created with my program, you need to remove the .bak_date_time from the file name and copy it to your Saves folder.
  15. version 0.24 uploaded. Click on my signature, then click the link to the download page. I fixed an error that occurred if you edit a player's name with version 0.23
  16. version 0.23 done. Click on my signature, then click on the download page. new since version 0.22: 1. Hitting/Fielding/Pitching Abilities 2. Hitting/Baserunning/Pitching Tendencies 3. Pitch Types/speed/movement/control/tendencies 4. Batting Stance, Custom Batting Stance, Pitcher Delivery, Custom Pitcher Delivery 5. You can now search by player's birthday. mmdd or mmddyyyy Example: Type 0412 into the search box and press Enter. Any player born on April 12th will show up in the results. Example 2: Type 04121980 into the search box and press Enter. Any player born on April 12th 1980 will show up in the results. 6. player counts added to the team page. changes/fixes: 1. When you click the Download link in the editor, it now asks you if you want to download the latest updatelist.txt. 2. Pitching Role has been disabled on the player page. 3. Pitching role is now changed to LR when you put a player on the DL or assign the player to a new team. 4. You can't put a free agent on the DL. 5. Fixed the problem with the LHP DH spot on the team page. 6. Added the players main position in parenthesis on the team tab. (In the list of hitters and in the lineups) I think that's it.
  17. Hmm. The index should be in the 0-3807 range. 3808-4050 I'm guessing are bullpen catchers and batboys. (Their is no easy way to test this out) I've never seen them on the active roster.
  18. I'll have to look into it some more.
  19. Did you put anyone on the DL?
  20. Players that are put on the DL with my program will cause the game to crash when the game takes them off the DL. Is that what you mean?
  21. Good suggestions. I added the counts to the team page. I'm not sure how to show the minor league affiliates. I'll look into it.
  22. Thanks. I'll get that fixed for the next version.
  23. You can search for Sanchez, and you get a list of 11 players. 3 of them have first names that start with J I've added the birthday search. you type the players birthday in mmdd or mmddyyyy format in the Search box. When you press Enter, you get a list of players whose birthdays match. It will be in the next version.
  24. I could use some more information on this.
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