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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. Hmm. I use Windows 7, and I don't get that error. Check out the recent downloads on mlbmods.com I recommend kraw's MLB Thingy 2k10 for adding portraits. With MLB Thingy 2k10, you aren't restricted to using the spots from the original portrait file. There are also portraits for 10 of the 30 teams for MLB2K10 at mlbmods.com
  2. What exactly do you want sorted? The list of players? I think I can add in search by birthdate easily.
  3. I found all of these. I'll start putting them into the program tomorrow.
  4. corrected v0.22 uploaded. Mat notified me of a new error with the original v0.22
  5. v0.22 done. Click my sig, then click the download page to find it. Mat notified me of an error in LHP lineups with empty slots. I fixed this, so I'm releasing it now. The next version is still on schedule to be released by Monday.
  6. I'm making good progress on the research for my next version. I've found the locations for the pitch type, speed, movement, control, and tendency. I've also found the locations for all of the pitching abilities and the pitching-related tendencies. I'll go ahead and look for the Batting Abilities, batting-related tendencies, Baserunning Abilities, Fielding Abilities. I'll also look for the batting stance and pitching delivery, and the custom stance and custom delivery. I'm aiming to have the new version done my Monday morning.
  7. If you change names, the abilities are left alone. skin tone is editable in the editor. BTW. I will probably add the name changes into the updatelist.txt. This file is used in the latest version to change portrait numbers to MVP portrait numbers.
  8. Make me a list of the ratings that you would like in the csv, and I'll try to get it done this week.
  9. Tony3 did that last year. I'm still in the process of identifying all of the items. once I do that, I could export it as a csv file. (I've already done it for player names and portrait numbers)
  10. Here's the differences between the original roster and the official April 1st roster: (I only checked first and last names, and portrait number) minor name changes: slot 1358 John Meloan 2294 -- Jon Meloan 2294 slot 1639 Ramon Ramirez 2492 -- Ramon A. Ramirez 2492 major name changes with new portrait number: slot 271 Julian Pensota 2196 -- Taylor Anthony 10514 slot 288 Juan Lucero 6250 -- Xavier K. McBath 10516 slot 1121 Jared Hanson 6837 -- Jimmy Grimmage 10513 slot 1779 Chris Parker 6640 -- Mike Miller 10515 slot 2071 Arnold Rogers 2379 -- Jordan Botker 10519 slot 2166 Aaron Glover 2254 -- Josh Haring 10517 slot 2316 Clay Timlin 6223 -- Mike Podell 10518 portrait number change: slot 46 Zachary Senna 1067 -- Zachary Senna 10501 slot 242 Ronny Chulk 2928 -- Ronny Chulk 10506 slot 733 Jim Wilson 6659 -- Jim Wilson 10511 slot 868 Willy Aybar 0 -- Willy Aybar 6317 slot 1084 Tim Robertson 0 -- Tim Robertson 6430 slot 1154 Casey Conkey 6671 -- Casey Conkey 10512 slot 1360 Ben Shelton 1762 -- Ben Shelton 10505 slot 1514 Jordan Logan 1696 -- Jordan Logan 10504 slot 1667 Max Townsend 1105 -- Max Townsend 10503 slot 1688 Chris Jacobson 1075 -- Chris Jacobson 10502 slot 1714 Esteban Costa 6327 -- Esteban Costa 10500 slot 1947 Kanekoa Heap 5496 -- Kanekoa Heap 10510 slot 2383 Dave Little 2954 -- Dave Little 10507 slot 2756 Alex Sapida 3168 -- Alex Sapida 10508 slot 3191 Darryl Bratcher 5495 -- Darryl Bratcher 10509
  11. This is minor. I noticed that the thread names can't have all caps. My "MLB2K10 Roster Editor" thread gets displayed as "Mlb2K10 Roster Editor"
  12. Version 0.21 done. If you click my signature, you are taken to a page that has a paypal "Buy Now" button, and a link to the download page. This version has a 14 day free trial. Franchises and My Player files can only be edited for the first 3 days of the trial. changes since version 0.20: 1. Added "Import List" Button. This reads updatelist.txt and updates the file currently loaded in the editor with the portrait numbers from updatelist.txt. Kraw will release a new version of his MLB Thingy soon. He will include a program that I wrote that is capable of creating a new portrait file. You can potentially have 10000 portraits in the new file. 2010 Portraits for 2K10 are also coming soon. We also decided that since we're already maintaining a list of portrait numbers for MVP Baseball, it would be a good idea to switch over to this list. This list can be viewed from http://www.mlbmods.com/index.php/mvp-ids 2. When you install the program, .fxg, .cmg, and .ros files are associated with MLB2K10 Roster Editor. When you click the Browse button, you will now be taken automatically to your saves folder. 3. I added two links to the bottom: Buy -- which takes you to the page where you can buy my program Download -- which takes you to my download page where you can download the latest version of my program 4. The status label now shows the index number of the currently selected player. (the same index number as in updatelist.txt)
  13. I'll try to get the pitching stuff done in a few days. I wasn't aware of this.
  14. Version 0.20 done. If you click my signature, you are taken to a page that has a paypal "Buy Now" button, and a link to the download page. This version has a 14 day free trial. Franchises and My Player files can only be edited for the first 3 days of the trial. changes since version 0.12: Team tab is now operational. You can edit lineups,rotations,defensive alignment, and pitcher roles. On the player tab, you can now assign players to another team or to the free agents list. You can change pitching roles from the player's pitching tab. You can change injury duration and DL days left from the player's general tab. You can change injury status from the player's general tab. Note: I didn't test this one in-game.
  15. I'm making good progress on editing team rosters. I was able to reuse most of my code for that part of MLB2K9 Roster Editor with some slight modifications. I also found a couple of errors in MLB2k9 roster editor. 1. Pitcher roles were not saving from the team tab. This took about 8 new lines of code. I don't know why I didn't do it for MLB2K9 Roster Editor. 2. The checksum was being created for roster.iff if you saved a team. (This is the only roster file that doesn't use a checksum) In MLB2K10, this crashes the game before the Click to Start screen.
  16. Attention: Vince whose email address starts with mwd5612 I received your payment, but when I try to email you, it is returned to me after 5 days. I just left you (vincemaa) a private message with your unlock code. According to your profile, you haven't been active since November, so I'm leaving this message here for you as well. I also just added your unlock code and username to the tracking info on Paypal.
  17. Don't go through too much trouble getting me the list. If you send me your roster file, I can easily create a list of player names from it, and match it up to the list of player names in the default roster that I've already made.
  18. Version 0.12 done. If you click my signature, you are taken to a page that has a paypal "Buy Now" button, and a link to the download page. This version has a 3650 day free trial. The next version will be moving to a 14 day free trial. I still expect to have the next version done sometime next week. The next version will focus on editing team rosters. changes since version 0.11 fixes: 1. compressed roster.iff should get decompressed by the program on the first try. 2. Abbreviations in the player's year-by-year stats for years 2010+ should no longer get messed up if you edit the names in a .fxg or .cmg file. Thanks markb for pointing this out. Unfortunately I can't fix the ones that are already messed up. 3. changed the status label text when you open a file.
  19. I'm still working on it. But it will take time. I will probably have a new version out sometime in the middle of next week. This week, I spent too much time playing the game.
  20. Did you keep a list of all of the players names that you changed? If you did, I would like a copy of that.
  21. Thanks. I've been able to duplicate it. I'll see what I can do to fix it. Edit: This doesn't seem to affect roster.iff, and I presume it also wouldn't affect .ros files. I edited a couple names in roster.iff, created a new franchise with it, and simmed until mid April. I then checked out a player's year-by-year stats. The team abbreviation was fine. I then used the Roster Editor on the franchise file, and changed some more names. When I reloaded the franchise file in the game, and checked out a player's stats, the name for the player's 2010 team was just like in your picture. 2009 and prior were fine.
  22. Make sure MLB2K10 Roster Editor is closed before you try to install the new version. If you're at the initial screen where it has the three buttons, "Try", "Buy", and "Register", it doesn't show up on the taskbar. If you can't find it open anywhere, try restarting your computer, then try to install the new version.
  23. Attributes aren't being read or saved yet in the editor.
  24. Is Tony3's list from last year of any use to you guys? http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=39885&st=0
  25. If you see "Player saved" or "Player saved - names updated", the changes are already made. You have to load the file in the game after you save it with my editor.
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