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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. There are some audio ids in the plus-slow.ini file that are no longer in the latest rosters. It is normal that some of them won't be found. Also: Patch2 of the 07 mod included the wrong plus-slow.ini file with the plusmaker-memory program. Download and install the models.big May update from eamods.com. It has a good version of the plus-slow.ini file that works with it. (after you install the may update, use the plusmaker-memory in: ...MVP Baseball 2005extrasRoster updaterDynasty updater instead of the other one.
  2. what are the numbers in your stamina.txt? The default numbers are: 0.075 5 Also, are you running the program more than once per game?
  3. That's not an error. An error message pretty much always uses the word "error".
  4. Try reading the readme.txt file that came with the program. Enabled means that the program is ready to read from the game's memory. Click on the text box underneath where it says "Last Name" Press Enter to get a list of all of the players, or type in the player's last name(or first part of their last name), then press Enter. Example: Type "Pu", then press Enter. All of the players whose last names start with "Pu" will be listed. Click on one, and all of their information will load in the right side.
  5. Yeah. That has been brought up before. The game only keeps the last 100 plate appearances.
  6. Make a new folder inside your MVPSaveReader folder named boxscores (usually c:Program FilesMVPSavReader) Then copy all of the boxscore extractor files into the boxscores folder. The player links should then link to the MVPSavReader player pages.
  7. Maybe you didn't save your DL.txt before you imported.
  8. Until I allow stat editing in MVP2005 Editor: Use this version of my .dat exporter: http://mvpmods.com/Forums/download/id=1350.html And this version of my .dat importer: http://mvpmods.com/Forums/download/id=2080.html You'll have to edit the stats in notepad (or another text editor). If you use MVPEdit, the players get sorted alphabetically by their name, which will cause some problems in this version of the stats only version of the importer. (You can use the other version of the importer if you use MVPEdit, you just have to look out for other problems. Such as some pitchers having a very low overall, and the lineups having some mistakes. Sometimes it works perfectly) Note: The changes you make won't be saved in hist.dat (year by year stats) It will be a big (and boring) project to add stats to MVP2005 Editor. Donations would really help me through it.
  9. If you're talking about a 07 "plus" version (patch 2), all you have to do is load your standard DL save file, then run the plusmaker-memory program (that is put into your extras folder after you install patch 2) Then save the file to a new slot.
  10. The roster.bin is only the memory version of roster.dat. (which also includes the DL) They would still need to start a new dynasty/owner mode with the .dat files from your roster. But it wouldn't contain your personal dynasty settings.
  11. Pretty much just what I said in my last post. Once you have the new version of your dynasty save finished. Run the program to create the roster.bin file. Then if you want to create an owner mode save with the same DL, all you need to do is start a new owner mode, make it 2007, then run the program and import the roster.bin file. The players wouldn't be injured, but they would be on the DL. Actually now that I've thought about it, instead of releasing .sav files, you could just release your roster.bin file with my RosterImpExp program.
  12. This program can import and export the roster.dat equivalent in memory. Kgbaseball, this will probably be useful to you. Get all of the rosters like you want. Use my other program to set the number of days left on the DL for each player to match the number of days the player is injured for. Then export the roster.bin with this program. Then start a new dynasty/owner mode with the same rosters. Run this program and import the roster.bin. All of the players on the disabled list won't be injured, but they'll be on the disabled list, which should be good enough.
  13. You're welcome. Here's another tip, which may or may not help you. If you want to to import the list from one dynasty or owner mode to another, here's what you can do. (Without using my .dat importer/exporter) 1st. Export the DL from your dynasty where the DL is how you want it. 2nd. Start a new dynasty/owner mode and set it up how you want it. 3rd. Turn off budgets. 4th. Cut all of the players that you are going to put on the DL on every team. 5th. Import the DL 6th. Give each player their proper injuries, and number of years left on their contract with MVPEditor(years left on contract is set to 0 when they are cut) 7th. Turn budgets back on. 8th. Save the game to a new slot. Edit: Nevermind. That probably wouldn't help. You would still have to fix the rosters for each team.
  14. Here's a program that lets you export/import a DL list. DLslot: playerid, days left on DL, player name, team abbreviation,; DL slot is a number from 0 to 503. 0-3 for LAA. 4-7 for OAK. etc. (order of teams based on team.dat) days left on DL is the number of days until the player is eligible to come off of the DL. Player name and team abbreviation is not read when you import. Note: Don't add someone to the DL by editing the text file. If you do, the player will be on the 25 man roster and the DL. Note: If you want to remove someone from the DL, change the number of days left to 0. Then after you import, you can manually remove the player from the DL in the game. (If you just delete the whole line in the text file and import, the player will be a free agent)
  15. Were you in dynasty or owner mode? I've gotten that error if I was at the main menu. As for your other question. Right now, with the exception of what the Team Changer and the Projector do, you can only make changes to all of the player's general attributes, pitching attributes, and batting attributes. I'm working on a new version that will allow you to make trades, manage the disabled lists, change lineups, rotations, bullpen roles. Though you can use the team changer, and then do most of these from within the game.
  16. Go to my website, http://tywiggins.tripod.com/ and click the paypal donation button.
  17. You can already add/remove injuries. It's in the Misc Group on the Attributes Tab.
  18. I have it so every pitcher on both teams lose stamina. Pitchers at 100% stamina do lose stamina, but after you advance to the next day, they will be back at 100%. I think the problem that you're showing is that sometimes you went to the next day, and sometimes you didn't. With the exception of game 4, all of the other games that you have a pitcher colored in red are the last game of the series. These games usually have earlier start times, so that the teams can travel for their next series. The problem is that you were checking the stamina before you advance to the next day on those days. On the days when your mlb team has a night game, the game automatically advances to the next day before you checked the stamina.
  19. I haven't done much testing with create a players. I just created a player in the game, then edited him with MVP 2005 Editor. It messed up some pitchers like you said. (By the way, I did this in Dynasty Mode) So, I recommend that you don't edit "create a players" with my program.
  20. Increase either or both of the lines in the stamina.txt file. The 0.075 and 5 will cancel out approximately half of the stamina gain that the game gives. If you increase the values to 0.1 and 8, it will cancel out approximately 3/4 of the stamina gain that the game gives. If you increase the values to 0.15 and 10, it will pretty much cancel out all of the stamina gain that the game gives.
  21. Sorry about the confusion. I included the wrong stamina.txt with the program. 0.075 and 5 is what I recommend and what was supposed to be in the file. From your example, assuming the 36/43 is after advancing to the next day. Before the program was run, his stamina would have been 28. After the program was run, his stamina would have been 20/43. The game added 16 stamina when it advanced to the next day to make it 36/43. Do you know what stamina% he had at the end of the game? If it was somewhere around 65%, the program worked correctly. If it was somewhere around 47% the program didn't do anything.
  22. No. You can run the StaminaChanger by itself.
  23. For now, continue to use the old version. But yes, I am planning on creating a version with neojonas's layout soon.
  24. BoxScoreExtractor v2.1 --------------------------- StaminaChanger.exe is included. The new version of BSEexpress will run this program if the game is over. It will decrease each pitcher's stamina by the values in stamina.txt. The first line in stamina.txt can be any decimal value from 0 through 1. This value is multiplied by the pitcher's Maximum Stamina. Then this calculated value is subtracted from the pitcher's Current Stamina. The second line in stamina.txt can be any integer value from -20 through 20. This value is then subtracted from the pitcher's Current Stamina. (negative numbers here add to the pitcher's current stamina) If the value on the first line is negative or bigger than 1, then I use the default value of 0.075. If the value on the second line is smaller than -20 or larger than 20, then I use the default value of 5. If the file doesn't exist, I use the default values. If you don't want to use StaminaChanger, just delete StaminaChanger.exe.
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