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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. Disclaimer: Before you do the following, I suggest making a backup of all of the files that you are about to edit, just in case. Actually, there is an easy way to do it. Install TextPad. Then open all of the old html files at once. Then use the replace function, and choose all documents. In the "find what" box, type In the "Replace with" box, type Then press the replace all button. Then: In the "find what" box, type In the "Replace with" box, type Then press the replace all button. After that's done, press the close button. Then: File->Save All Then you're done.
  2. The old ones will need to be edited. I'll try to come up with a program that will automatically convert the old ones. All that needs to be done is: needs to be added before the the address for all of the player links, all.css, and images.
  3. New version. BoxScoreExtractor v2.0 written by tywiggins released March 9, 2007 ------------------------------------- v2.0 BSEexpress is the new version. BoxScoreExtractor-old is v1.02. BSEexpress asks for no user input, and will automatically create home and away versions with kraw's layout. fixed -- xiberger's error with the team records not being shown correctly in Internet Explorer changed -- All of the logos in the imageslogos folder have been changed. I downloaded most of them from http://www.chriscreamer.com/ I made 17 of the single-A logos from the .eps files from pressbox.mlb.com. All of the logos are 150x100. changed -- BSEexpress creates a folder based on the current year in your dynasty. Then inside that folder it creates folders for each team(when it needs to). changed -- Boxscores for spring training games are now given a "s-" prefix. changed -- Boxscores for playoff games are now given a "p-" prefix. changed -- The top line of the html boxscore now will show "Spring Training", "Season", or "Playoffs". changed -- The previous and next links have the new prefixes for spring training and playoff games. changed -- Changed the finding memory address function to what I have in the MVP2005 Editor. changed -- All of the references to all.css, the logos, and the player links were updated to reflect the new directory structure. ("../" was added before each of them -- without the quotes) To run BSEexpress without minimizing the game(This assumes that you have already extracted all of the files) 1. Right click on BSEexpress, and click "copy". 2. Right click on some empty spot in the folder, and click "Paste Shortcut". 3. Right click on "Shortcut to BSEexpress.exe", and click "Properties" 4. Click the "Shortcut" tab if it's not already open. 5. Click in the "Shortcut Key:" box. 6. Hold the Control key, and press the F12 key. Then release the control key. 7. Click in the "Run:" box. 8. Click "Minimized" 9. Click "OK" 10. Move the shortcut to your desktop(It doesn't seem to work unless it's on the desktop) 11. Now hold Control and press F12 to see if it worked. 12. If it works, you can now press Control F12 to make your boxscores without even minimizing the game. (If it doesn't work try a different shortcut key).
  4. Do you mean injuries that occurred during the game, or just a list of the players on the team that are injured?
  5. By the way, I don't need help with the logos anymore. I have a couple of other changes that I want to make before I release the new version.
  6. I'll see if I can fix it for Internet explorer.
  7. The Blue Jays logo that was included in the logos folder was the alternate blue jays logo. I will be replacing it with the one that says Jays.
  8. They all look fine in firefox. Some of them are like the one you showed when I use internet explorer.
  9. If you see this happen, send me the html file.
  10. I will be releasing a new version soon. The new version will be called BSEexpress. The difference will be that it doesn't ask for any input. It automatically uses kraw's layout, and outputs both the home and away version of the boxscore. (The filename, and the links to the previous and next boxscores will be the only differences between the two). Also, I will give instructions on how to run the BSEexpress without minimizing the game. I want to have an updated logos folder before I release the new version. I know the Arizona Diamondbacks logo is changed, but I don't know what other teams in the majors and minors have new logos. So, if someone would update the imageslogos folder for me, I would appreciate it.
  11. This is a list of players that have been given photo/audio ids: http://www.eamods.com/index.php?name=Forum...viewtopic&t=574 according to the list, Daric Barton should be 2702
  12. I just thought of a way to do it without doing a complete roster editor. By the way, what program caused the errors in roster.dat?
  13. What exactly do you mean? Can you give me an example? I don't think that there is any quick way to do it. I would have to add in roster editing to accomplish that.
  14. The projector is for those people that play shortened seasons. It projects each team's wins and losses over the rest of the season(which actually allows you to get to the playoffs), as well as each player's stats. It's only meant to be run right before the playoffs start. It really should have a box that comes up and asks you if you're sure.
  15. Did you accidentally use the Projector? It sounds like you did. If Adam Laroche had 2 homers after 5 games and then you ran the projector, his homers would be 162/5 * 2 = 64.8 which is rounded to 65 homers. I should probably put a warning on it or something.
  16. You can use my .dat exporter and importer programs. You just have to be careful. Use the most recent .dat exporter, and the importer (stats only) that I just released a couple of days ago. latest version of exporter and importer: http://mvpmods.com/Forums/download/id=1350.html stats only version of importer: http://mvpmods.com/Forums/download/id=2080.html I recommend that you be really careful if you use the v0.24 version of the importer. (Don't overwrite your good save file until you're really sure that it didn't mess anything up) And if you use the stats only version of the importer, you'll have to edit the stat files manually. (with Notepad) I plan on including stats in MVP2005 Editor sometime. But I'm not sure when.
  17. version 0.25 released added: Team Changer expanded so that it lets you choose the next game you want to play/manage/sim. You can now play all games if you want to. -- Thanks to SkinsBoYee for the donation fixed: finding address in the last version didn't work for TwentySeven. I changed it a little and now it works for him. If you have any problems let me know.
  18. Could you please go to the following thread and run version 5 and version 6? http://www.mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=...5/start=15.html
  19. I released a new version - version 0.24 added - Team Changer is now included in the menu fixed - Picking a birthday is now much easier changed - Menu is no longer Blue. It now uses your system colors. changed - Searching for memory address is much quicker now. If you have any problems let me know.
  20. Actually, I don't want you to be able to type in the date. If you click on the year on the calendar, you can type in the year or scroll through the years. If you click on the month, you can pick the month you want from a list. The problem was, I had the calendar set to hide whenever you left the Attributes tab (and the calendar is outside the attributes tab). I just fixed this.
  21. I haven't really looked through this thread in a couple of months, so I missed some things. I'll try to get some (or all of these) things done before I take another long vacation from this game.
  22. To tell the truth, I didn't know about system(). When I searched for a way to do what I needed to do, I didn't come across it. I never learned about it in my c++ classes either. My way does allow you to to multithread, but not when you have the WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE ); line in there.
  23. It's a little trickier than that. This is taken from my Models.big Creator program: #include <windows.h> STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) ); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) ); string commandstring = "cmd /c eazip.exe +a "" + modelspath + "" "tempc*""; CreateProcess(NULL,LPSTR(newtextstring.c_str()),NULL,NULL,0,CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); Note: Everything after eazip.exe (but on the same line) are the command line options for eazip. (modelspath is another string) Note: The /c option in "cmd /c" will close the console window after it is finished running.
  24. It wouldn't be very hard to include an easy way to do that in the editor. I would need to make a list of unused Audioids and let you choose from the list. It would then extract the generic portrait from the portrait.big file, rename it, and then import it into the portrait.big file. :offtopic: You're now in 3rd place Budhawk jumped from 5th place, all the way into 1st.
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