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Everything posted by tywiggins

  1. Fastball can only have a 0 or 1 for trajectory (Nothing I can do about it). Why not give him a sinker instead?
  2. I don't know exactly what they are. They do affect player happiness some.
  3. If you're serious about that, I'll look into it. PM me.
  4. I just went back through my paypal history. The first person to donate gave me $25. I think it was the guy that promised $10,000 , but I'm not sure. $40 is the most I've received from one person. (two $20 donations) $30 is the second most ($20 and $10. Thanks UncleMo) $25 is the third most. $23.31 is the fourth most. $20 by several people. Most of the money that I've received since I came back in October has been from doing extra stuff for people. UncleMo and HardcoreLegend are the only people that have donated in the past two months. No one has given any money for this program. At this point, I need some motivation (donations) to continue working on my programs. Right now, I'm spending most of my free time playing games. So, if anyone wants something added to the program, please donate and I'll see what I can do. If you donate, I will feel obligated to continue working on it until I get it done.
  5. I'm not sure if he donated anything or not. Though, my biggest donation so far was around $30.
  6. You're missing my point. I don't care if MVP Edit allows for 0-15 for fastball movement. The game only allows 0 and 1 for fastball movement. So it is pointless to include 2-15.
  7. I'm not sure what the exact problem is. I don't have the Chinese version of Windows, so it's kind of hard for me to test it out.
  8. How would changing it to how mvpedit does it make any difference? The game stores 4 seam fastball movement as a 0 or 1. So it doesn't make any sense to allow for 0 through 15.
  9. I will be adding the "models.big updater" functionality into the MVP 2005 Editor. (Probably next week)
  10. What is the exact error message that you get?
  11. Are your minor league schedules short schedules? If you just have a shortened MLB schedule, and all of your minor leagues are normal schedule, you should just do MLB in the projector.
  12. You must be looking in the wrong place(maybe you're looking at MLB career stats or something). HRs went from 7 to 16 for the AAA player that I checked on.
  13. FYI, it works as it is supposed to. I loaded the save file that I sent back to you, and checked on the stats for a player at each level, and wrote them down. Then I ran the projector for all levels. The player in AAA had his games go up from 60 to 135. The player in AA had his games go up from 31 to 68. The player in A had his games go up from 61 to 136. What makes you think that it is not working?
  14. It probably has something to do with editing the Create-A-Players. What is the error you get with MVPSavReader?
  15. Hmm. Did you change any pitchers into position players, or any position players into pitchers?
  16. You're welcome. And, thanks for the donation.
  17. I just attached it to my previous post.
  18. Do you still have it open? I can have it for you in a couple of minutes. One time only Edit: this should work
  19. I could do that, but I won't. Anyways, you can just rename your shortcuts for the game, instead of renaming your mvp2005.exe.
  20. Did you change the name of your mvp2005.exe to something else?
  21. I don't think so. But, you could extract the player's portrait from the portrait.big file. Then assign him a Photo/Audio id number. Then rename the portrait to the new photo/audio id number. Then import the portrait. Actually, now that I've thought about it, it probably wouldn't take too much to have the editor do this.
  22. Yeah, I wasn't thinking of the "photo type". All computer generated players have a photo type of 2. (Unless you change them manually) Theoretically, someone could come up with a mod that included: The mep file for the players in the draft, the portraits for the new players, and the audio for the new players. There could be an installer for the portraits and the audio, and then you'd just have to import the .mep into my program.
  23. I don't know of an easy way to search for game generated players. However, I did do some looking for the draft pool. It was months ago, but I do recall finding them. It is a good idea, but I don't know when I'll get to it.
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