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Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. Thanks again. The uniforms look great!
  2. Here is what worked for me. 1.) Start MLB2K12 with default rosters. 2.) Load WudL's rosters. 3.) Create franchise. 4.) ALT + Tab to desktop 5.) Navigate to where the rosters are stored (Default Windows 7: C:UsersUserNameAppDataRoaming2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12Saves) 6.) Rename WudL's roster (I made a copy before renaming) 7.) Bring MLB2K12 back up and start playing. Works like a Champ. Nice job on the rosters WudL! Thank you for all the hard work.
  3. Thank you!
  4. I'm also experiencing lock ups with the newest version of the roster. Version Beta 0.1.9 runs just fine. Version 0.2.1 locks my game up. I first noticed this when running pitching drills. When the drill finished and attempted to save, the game locked up. When 0.2.1 was set a default roster, the game would lock up on start up. Again I have none of these issues with 0.1.9. I hope this helps.
  5. These uniforms are amazing! Thank you. Any plans on creating uniforms for the rest of the Major League teams?
  6. Wrong forum. Moved to "Mod Requests"
  7. has not set their status

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