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File Comments posted by DonSPa

  1. since the cards dont actually have a alt file i used the uniform_slc_cl1.iff file and yes it will replace it.If u want to keep the original and this one both the best way is with tys editor and rename this file to anything u like.... for example uniform_slc_cl1_alt.iff as long as u keep the uniform_slc_cl1 part of it intact and use an unused slot on tys editor if u have an empty slot

  2. dishnet u wouldnt have to overwrite anything,theres 2 ways of being able to do this,one way is to use the mod enabler and have this file in the enabler folder and running the enabler during game play, the downside to this method is the numbers and names will still have the old teams colors the other method is by using tys roster editor and renaming this file and using an open slot in the uniforms tab of the editor and adjusting the color codes

  3. jawanaut,i find that when changing the chest logos to place them directly on the 05 jersey file itself instead of the #13 logo and #18 green so i blank those 2 files and then work on the 06 green to coincide with the 05.Its alot easier imo

  4. lol just got so used to doing them by sheer repitition i guess...if u want jacce I can stop and let u do the AL teams ,just let me know .... williamsburg I think what it is ,if a uni doesnt normally call for numbers on the front and u try and make them then they turn out super huge

  5. thanx guys glad u like,i saw all the downloads and no comments and thought ot oh maybe no one liked them lolol

    thought maybe no one was interested in the old time type ads.I thought what was cool was the present day ads in skype,facebook and youtube done in the 50's type ads

    Orioles Camden Yards

       687    7

    i know 2k totally butchered this stadium,this is probally the worse one so far,it was either all those at and t ads or wb mason so just a matter of flipping a coin on which to use lol

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