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Everything posted by masterboy

    good job Atlanta Braves is missing
  1. thank you brothers
  2. thats why when you use it in franchise mode and get to the draft the program can create new player so it will crash i will
  3. what roster youre using im trying to see if the roster 2024 that is here work but it tells me using mlb2k12 editor 1.1 that i cant add names because there is no space so when you tess it and reach to draft day it crashed because the program cant add any names because there is not space i dont know what to do
  4. thanks for your help amd sabugo seems they dont have anything to do dirtdog if you are modder and worked on rosters you will understand when something is not working you help to fexed
  5. hi its anybody seen this after you try to create a player using only mlb2k12 roster editor v1.1 player saved but not enough space to save their name error
  6. i like to do that but i dont have the tools anybody wants to donate reditor 2 i know i wish i have the tools to make it youd be surprise
  7. the roster
  8. release it please the one you have here its not working a lot of missing players and trades
  9. never done
  10. never done good job
  11. good job thanks
  12. thanks also the caps are wrong its w with the capitol in the back

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  13. thanks also the caps are wrong its w with the capitol in the back
  14. you missed this one i saw it in a game the one with the R
  15. this is not a roster nothing is working just deleted this file please is a screw up file what people do if all the faces are build on kc star roster?????? ever think about it???????? dont do it its not working its sad waste time doing it it would be better on something that really works
  16. you need to put new triple a double a single a players and not use the players who are retired
  17. what about the players from A AA and AAA is there anyone in your roster
  18. oakland a's have new uniforms
  19. Oakland A's 2019 uniforms and washinton nationals

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  20. we need a lot of faces we need the heroes from mvp mods good work like always
  21. can anyone already check is this roster update is franchise crash free can we play the 162 season games without crash/? so its crash free very good work
    perfect thank you. You really can make new faces like laureano and others
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