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nuggett's Achievements

Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. I do not understand your question either. In my file there should be teams from AAA over AA to A. Don't you see AA and A or what is your problem? Could you clarify it?
  2. Rosters are awesome. Wondering if I am missing something, but is there just one level of minors (AAA-International League) or am I doing something wrong.
  3. nuggett

    Game Freezes

    I am into early April (2,3,4) and it happened on April 3 and 4. Did not happen during Spring Training.
  4. nuggett

    Game Freezes

    Thanks.... I'll try CRTL-ALT-DEL to see if this keeps my data. I am using WundaBreadz latest Ultimate roster.
  5. nuggett

    Game Freezes

    This just started happening. I finish a game and before it get to the Exot screen. The game freezes. Tried it 2-3 times and does the same thing. Any workarounds/solutions. Thanks.
  6. nuggett

    Astros To Al

    Sorry if this was addressed already but cannot find a thread. Is there anyway to move the Astros to the AL. Thanks.
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