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  1. You sir are a genius, I reset to default settings, and walla. Do you have an idea which setting may have caused that? Thank You!
  2. I did not reinstall the ENB, and yes, all teams have the issue.
  3. Fresh install, same issue.
  4. Will do, it's only 25 games of My Player I'll have to do again, lol.
  5. I completely removed any remnants of Sweet FX. I did place the colorlist in the root directory, but removed it when I read it wasn't necessary. Perhaps I should do another clean install?
  6. The issue seems to be in the colorlist. Each team has a black border around the player names. For instance if a team has red lettering, you can still see their name, my team has black lettering, so the name appears to be invisible.
  7. I usually keep up to date with drivers and such, but will look to see if there's an update. I'm perplexed as well. As far as the "border" goes, it looks like a name patch that's been sewn in. Here's something I noticed, if there's a closeup of my player, it's fine, as it pans away further, the issue comes up. Hope that helps.
  8. Did a fresh install of the game and the mod, same issues. You mean the read me for the mod? (I don't see one included, I'm old, lol)
  9. I removed Sweet FX from my system, but still getting the "black box" around player names and smeared crowds when it pans.
  10. First and foremost, an absolutely outstanding job creating this mod, thanks for taking this game to an unreal level! Is there a setting I can change to eliminate the above issues? I'm running a high end gaming laptop: My rig Thanks in advance!
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