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Everything posted by WallysWorld

  1. You're right, Splash Durham. I didn't have a compatibility set for SGSS after all. I have changed it to just Multisampling. I kind of thought the SGSS setting wasn't doing much, but I wasn't too sure. I now want to try the MFAA setting that you recommended. Thanks for the tips!
  2. Pretty interesting to see other people's settings. Below are my settings with my old, but still very capable i7-920 overclocked to 4 Ghz with a GTX 970. No issues with frame rate with 16xS AA and 2x SGSS.
  3. I think I can answer my own question as I noticed that when playing a Quick Game, the out of town scores show up with different innings listed, but when playing in Franchise, they don't.
  4. Hello, Just playing my Nationals Franchise and I've always noticed that the out of town scoreboard in all of the great modded stadiums that I downloaded from this website always have the final score or else no score for games. Yet I see in some screenshots from MLB 2K12 that there are out of town scores in different innings showing up. For example DaSteelerz's excellent Washington stadium where this screenshot shows out of town scores in different innings: DaSteelerz's Nationals Park Is it possible to get these scores showing up in the stadium's of out town scoreboard? If so, what can I do to get the scores to show up? Many thanks for any and all replies.
  5. Just to let you know that I successfully installed the colorlist file into my franchise save file using the roster editor.
  6. I used 7z and it worked fine. KC8080, use 7z to unzip only the first file of each set of addons and all files for that set should unzip properly. For example unzip the first stadium file and all of the other stadium files should unzip automatically too. Great mod! Many thanks for the hard work to create this for us.
  7. I just saw MLB 2K12 for Windows on Ebay for $59.99 US a few days ago. It seems to be gone now. I would definitely keep an eye on Ebay every day or two to see if another copy pops up. I got my copy on Ebay for that price a few months ago. You almost have to pounce on the game as soon as it appears as they go fast.
  8. The game is totally worth the money so I agree with you on that. Having a blast with MLb 2K12 after finally moving from HHBB 2001.
  9. Sometimes the game does appear on eBay. I bought it a month ago on eBay for $60 USD and the DVD worked fine. I too was looking for the game for a while and Amazon sellers want well over $100 for it.
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