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  1. IF you are willed to analyze them, Pitchf/x data might be the correct thing for movement ratings.
  2. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=53108 Have a look at it
  3. Did you try installing 32-bit Java as an extra? I once had the problem, that Java and the modding tool weren't running properly anymore after I installed 64-bit Java SDK for Android development. Then i reinstalled 32-bit version it was starting fine again.
  4. I've once read, that team budget depends on the salary your team uses when starting a franchise. Something like $30 million+ on you current payroll. But I'm not sure. Just take the roster editor and try edit some salary for players and see if the payroll changes.
  5. Well I don't recompress my modded files. Basically the difference in file size is nothing at all for modern hard drives. Anyways I don't even know a programm, which allows you to re-compress .iff files.
  6. As long as you have more than 60 fps you are on the save side. In your case I would even activate V-Sync to synchronize the output to your screen.
  7. Didn't knew they were the 2011 ones. But to be honest that's against my logic thinking. When I have a game for 2012 season I expect 2012 unis. Everything else would be just senseless.
  8. You are seriously doing such a thread? Learn to do it yourself there are probably half a dozent threads here on how to mod different things. Modders mod in their free time. They make mods whenever they want to... nobody needs a thread to tell them what they have to do. And seriously All-Stars Unis are already in the game...
  9. In this thread I want to show different way on how to enhance the MLB 2k12 performance. I will post framerates, screenshots and settings etc. First my hardware to have a little comparison: CPU Intel Core2Quad Q8200 @ 2,3GHz (stock, no OC) GPU Nvidia Geforce GTS 450 @783MHz(GPU clock)/1804MHz(Memory Clock) 4GB DDR2-800 Ram normal SATA2 HDD Windows 7 x64 For making screenshots I use MSI Afterburner's integrated function. Using its OSD I can also tell the GPU Usage, memory usage as well as framerate . My base screen-resolution will be 1920x1080 which is Full HD. V-Sync is turned off to get the maximum framerate even. Minimum settings vs. Maximum Settings. I used the "Play Ball"-Mode for this comparison playing the game Rangers vs Yankees with New York as home team. Facing Batter Min S 100 FPS@40% usage/435MB-x Max S 80 FPS@80% usage/695MB-x Flyball opponent Min S 92 FPS@38%usage/456MB-x Max S 86 FPS @83% usage/770MB-x Groundball opponent Min S 77 FPS@36% usage/460MB-x Max S 80 FPS@80% usage/670MB-x Facing Pitcher Min S 78 FPS @43% usage/477MB-x Max S 70 FPS @70% usage/685MB-x Flyball own at-bat Min S 78 FPS @36% usage/488MB-x Max S 66 FPS @70% usage/681MB-x Groundball own at-bat Min S 78 FPS @36% usage/488MB-x Max S 51 FPS @90% usage/691MB-x The x above is the variable I use to consider the memory used by the system and programs without MLB 2k12 running in this case 250MB. One gets roughly half of FPS/% usage ratio when changing from minumum to maximum settings. Now some screenshots: Minimum settings vs Maximum settings Facing Batter Flyball opponent Groundball opponent Facing Pitcher Own groundball Own flyball I will continue this post in the upcoming days. Things which I might be posting too is performance of standard game engine vs game engine with ENB Series Mod as well as a comparison of 1920x1080 vs 2880x1620 on downsampling which I tested briefly. From what I saw on downsampling settings the shadows look much more smoother due to what it does. Right now I am considering changing my benchmarking routine to provide the same base for each and every setting. If you got advice, criticism etc. feel free to post here.
  10. Have a look at this one http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=53108&hl=modding&fromsearch=1
  11. Unfortunately it only seems to work with PS3 and XBOX 360 :(
  12. File Name: Root Sports Overlay File Submitter: darth_mickrig File Submitted: 15 May 2012 File Category: Overlays Root Sports overlay for MLB 2k12. Copy all files into game directory. Click here to download this file
  13. Version 1.0


    Root Sports overlay for MLB 2k12. Copy all files into game directory.
  14. File Name: YES Overlay for MLB 2k12 File Submitter: darth_mickrig File Submitted: 14 May 2012 File Category: Overlays YES Overlay for MLB 2k12 Just copy all files into game folder. If there should be any bugs (I don't think so as i played a full game with this overlay) contact me. Click here to download this file
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