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cammel's Achievements

September Call-Up

September Call-Up (2/10)

  1. Unless they patch this game,I don't see how anyone can play in the off season.Unless you set the date wrong.
  2. cammel

    2013 And Beyond

    The one game wildcard play-in is already in the game.
  3. I just went to start a new franchise and it is set at 1 game for wildcard.So it is on when you start.
  4. Did you turn it on,when you set up your franchise?
  5. On the back of the controller is a switch,make sure it is set to D and not X.Set on D the game will see it as a dual action controller.
  6. Restarting does not help.Has worked great up until today.Now can't play at all.
  7. Mine and my Nephews games have started crashing today.We can get to the loading player progression screen and then it crashes to desktop.Mine is win7 his is XP.Have done an un-install deleted leftover files and re-installed vanilla version and still same problem.
  8. cammel

    Pc Patch ?

    The announcement at the top of the 2k12 forum says there will be a PC patch.But there is no eta on when it will come.
  9. Found this stickied at 2k forums: Earlier, someone posted a rumor that the patch for MLB2K12 has been cancelled. I will inform everyone that the patch will still be released. I am currently trying to get information if it has hit first parties yet, but wanted to let everyone know to not worry about the state of the patch. It will be coming. Update: It has been reported that the patch has been submitted to Sony and Microsoft. Expect between 10 to 14 days for it to be available. The patch is now out of 2K's hands. Last edited by sleepytercel; 4 Hours Ago at 07:36 PM..
  10. The socks are in the base uniform files. example : uniform_php.iff for the phillies. texture #4
  11. It is FSTigers. FS is in orange and tigers is in white.
  12. Use the 2k12 editor.It works on 2k11.
  13. Home or away? They each have a separate iff.
  14. If you edit anything on a player and save it will mess with the skin tones.Because the roster editor uses a scale of 1-11.It expects #11 to be the darkest.So that is the number it uses.Then when you load it in game it gets confused because it's scale is 1-8.
  15. cammel

    Site Issues

    It is. thanks
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